Chapter 9 - Bubblegum

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"Television is chewing gum for the eyes." ~ Frank Lloyd Wright


Clara' s POV.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something sticking out of his pocket, not just anything.

"Harry what is that?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

It was the missing photograph of my parents.

My eyes widened and I felt dizzy.

"Clara I can explain... I found it-" he said desperately

"No, um I have to go." I said and ran out the door.

What the-?

I bumped into someone as I was running out of the house. A pair if strong hands held onto my shoulders as we both steadied ourselves.

"Woah there slow down!" Niall laughed and then saw my distressed face.

"Hey is everything okay?" He asked worried. I took a deep breath,"I don't really know."

"I can give you a ride home if you need one, maybe a nice car ride will get your mind off of things." he offered with a sympathetic smile.

I sighed, I did need a ride home," Um okay sure."

"Cool." he said and we walked to his car. Niall opened the door for me and I sat down on the smooth leather seats of his convertible.

Starting the ignition he leaned back in his seat and turned on the radio, the small dial spinning as he flipped through the stations. He settled on one that was playing some song by Usher.

I looked out as he drove along the road smoothly.

I wasn't sure what my emotions were about the whole fact that Harry had a picture of my deceased parents in his pocket. I barely knew him, he was merely a way for me to get my job done. At least I knew that the photograph hadn't been lost. Still, something about it just was...ugh I don't know. This was all too confusing and even though I was strong towards alcohol the shot I had, had taken a toll on my alertness.

"So I want to thank you for coming tonight." Niall said and smiled at me.

"No problem." I shrugged. Actually it was a big problem.

"And by the way I really do like Phoebe, it just sucks that her and Josh have all ready hit it off. That lucky lad." he sighed.

"Phoebe is kind of just herself, she is really outgoing. She really likes both of you guys so don't loose hope." I said trying to make him feel better.

He gripped the steering wheel and shook his head,"I don't know. By the way what happened in there?"

I froze in my seat,"Um nothing."

He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue,"Yup sure..."

"Niall let's just say that Harry and I are never going to happen. End of story."

"If you say so..." then he muttered something.

"What did you just say?" I asked him, caught off guard.

"Oh you know, nothing..."




"Okay fine I will tell you," he said in a fit of laughter,"I said that Harry and you seemed like you had sex beforehand, because you both were acting funny."

My mouth fell open and I couldn't help but giggle myself, "Niall Horan!!! Oh my gosh! No nothing like that ever happened! The most that has ever happened was that kiss. And besides when I first met him I rejected him, so there."

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