Chapter 3 - Job Interviews

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"When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges." ~Jack Handy


Clara' s POV.

" Hello this is Snapshot Paparazzi how can we help you?" a voice spoke on the other line. I gasped a little and then composed myself. It was The Snapshot Paparazzi.

"Hi I saw and ad in a newspaper for a photography job?" I said while leaning back on the wooden bench. The weather as still a moderate warm temperature and the breeze was calming.

"Oh yes if you come by our office we have an application. All you have to do is fill it out, send in your portfolio, and schedule an interview." the lady spoke.

"Okay is it alright if I come by tomorrow morning?" I asked. I wanted this job so badly... I needed it even more.

"Yes, and your name?"

"Clara Davis." I said.

"Okay we will see you sometime around tomorrow morning, let me give you our address."

"Alright." I said and wrote down the number on a slip of paper.

"Okay thanks, bye." I said and hung up.

I got up and jumped up and down in excitement, earning a few weirded out glances from students walking by.

"Keep walking..." I said to them and once they were gone I did a happy dance.

Maybe there was hope after all.

I ran back inside to look for Phoebe, only to find her talking with the guy from art history. She was laughing and chatting away as he smiled at her willingly. She was definitely a go-getter.

"Hey Clara, I am going to out tonight with Josh and some of his friends. Want to join us?" she asked me while gesturing to the boy named Josh.

I shook my head, "Sorry I have a job interview tomorrow morning and I have to get my portfolio ready so I really should get going." I explained to her. She clapped her hands in happiness," Yay you found a job! Good luck sweetie! Oh and Clara meet Josh Devine, Josh meet Clara Davis."

" Nice to meet you! Thanks Phoebe, have fun!" I said and waved to them goodbye before heading back to our dorm.

Walking on the paved road I tripped and fell on my knees, my books scattered across the ground.

"Ugh dammit." I muttered and reached for my textbooks. My prized sketch book had flown open, the pictures of drawing and photo clippings visible on the worn pages. I grabbed it and stuffed all of my stuff back in my bag.

I had always loved to "capture the moment" by using my camera. Ever since I got my own cheap Kodak at age five, I knee from that moment that I had a deep passion for photography. That was just the way I had grown up since then. Whether it was a simple butterfly in the yard or a landscape of the sunset, my camera was in hand ready to 'click!' and take a picture.

The best photo I ever took was of my mom and dad holding hands on the beach, both of them smiling with their hearts out. My mom wore a blue sundress with a red flower in her hair and my father was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with swim trunks on and his signature aviators.

It was taken the day before they died.

The day before the accident. A large truck and the sound of screeched tires was all it took for me, the young little girl in the back seat, to realize- that my parents were gone. The small Polaroid photograph was all I had left.


Harry's POV.

"Harry we are very disappointed in you." Karen the president of Modest! Management said to me, her heavily mascara lined eyes narrowed down on me.

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