Chapter 19 - Trouble

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"The trouble with censors is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They ought to worry if she hasn't any." ~ Marilyn Monroe


This must be a dream, I thought to myself and pinched my arm to be sure. Ow! Nope it wasn't...

"Hello Miss Davis," Grey smirked  sat besides me, ordering some brandy. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat,"Hi Grey." I choked and he smiled, waving at Harry.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" He asked and drank from his brandy, and raising his eyebrows. I nodded and then gestured to Harry,"Um Grey, this is my boyfriend Harry." Harry pulled me closer to him and Grey laughed.

"Nice to meet you Harry," he said and lifted his glass in the air. Being in between Grey and Harry was way too much testosterone and arrogance for me to handle at the moment. They were both practically twins, fire and fire, which meant I was going to get burned pretty soon.

"Pleasure is mine, Grey," Harry said and shook his hand. Grey hummed to the song playing and looked over to where my other co-workers were.

Harry turned to me and whispered in my ear frantically,"How do you know this guy?" He grimaced  and I bit my lip.


"He works with me," I smiled weakly and drank some more from my cocktail. Grey waved over the please no! This was going to be a long night if we stayed any longer, and I didn't know if I would make it.

April, Zac, and Sofia (sadly). Sofia also had a plus one- her usual cold glare. April and Zac were holding hands and Sofia stood as far away from me as she could. Grey pulled me aside,"I need to talk to you." he said to me.

I turned back to Harry,"I'll be right back, Grey has to talk to me really quick." I said and Harry looked miffed,"Why? Doesn't this guy have a girlfriend of his own." he snapped and I placed my hands on my hips.

"Don't worry about him Harry." I sighed and he gave me a quizzical look,"What do you mean?" He asked and I placed my hand on his shoulder in a calming manner.

"He doesn't have a girlfriend...he has a boyfriend." I said and it hit him. "Oh, okay I am sorry-" he flustered and I smiled,"Besides no offense but I am happy just with you." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

Dragging me to the rest rooms, Grey pulled me to him and ran his hands through his pepper hair. I tapped my foot on the floor and sighed, waited for what he was going to say.

"What did you want to tell me?" I questioned him and he cracked his knuckles, a nervous habit I assumed.

He licked his lips real quick moisten them and sighed,"Um don't freak out but it's kind if a big deal."

"Cut to the chase Greyson!" I said laughing and he looked at the ceiling before breaking the news to me,"Sofia and Harry used to date..."

I rolled my eyes while attempting to cover up the extreme intimidation I was feeling at this very moment. "Why didn't you just say so earlier, now my boyfriend is stuck over there canoodling with his ex!" I exclaimed and Grey laughed.

"I know but you don't know the whole story." he explained to me and I shrugged.

"So tell me," I said and he began to inform me on the tale of Sofia and Harry.

"So back when Snapshot Paparazzi was first starting and Sofia was an intern, she had this mysterious boyfriend that she wouldn't tell anyone about. And considering the way she dressed and all, we figured he was fake. But one day we saw her and her boyfriend and it was Harry. Anyways long story short, he found this other girl and cheated behind her back, claiming that he didn't like Sofia anymore because of her job." he told me and my mouth dropped.

Harry a cheater?  It didn't seem real, he was always so sweet and charming. But this was exactly what I needed for my story...

"I can't believe it,"I gasped and ran my fingers through my hair in shock.

Grey chuckled,"Yeah tell me about it. I mean you wouldn't tell that Sofia used to be a fashion disaster walking on feet, but geez you should of seen the striped knee socks she used to wear!"

I slapped on the arm playfully,"No not that you moron, the whole cheating part." I said and still couldn't believe it.

It didn't seem true, Harry would never cheat on me and if he did, well...

But still! I didn't believe Grey, I decided to keep this information to myself.

"I think Sofia over reacted a bit, but I am sure she's over him and vice versa. Why are you dating Harry anyways?" he asked and stroked his stubbled chin.

I brought my voice real low and looked around, once I saw that the coast was clear, I turned to him and said,"Its for a story."

"A story? I thought you were doing a One Direction piece?"

"He's technically the main singer of that band from what I have heard," I explained and it clicked to him.

"Oh! That's actually a genius idea." he praised me,"Thanks." I gushed and he bit his lip in thought.

"Yeah, I mean what better way to get rid of a zit than to pop it from the center. That's basically what you are doing right?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yup essentially, but not in a gross way like that." I said and smiled while giggling.

What was I doing? I sounded like malicious bitch on the hunt to take down anyone and anything in my way. Did I want to be known for that? And did I want to loose Harry?

I would do it anonymously, I kept telling myself over and over again.

I leaned my head up against the wall,"Grey, do you ever regret it?" I asked him and sighed.

He raised an eyebrow,"Whadya mean little bird?"

I scoffed at him,"Little that a thing now?" I asked and he grinned,"Yup hashtag it." he said cockily.

"No seriously, do you ever regret working for the paparazzi industry?" I said and he hesitated before saying,"Meet me at the corner of Rodeo tomorrow, it's gonna take a lot more than telling you in the back if a club" he explained and I nodded.

We walked back to the bar and Harry put his arm around my waist,"Well we must be going now." he explained and I waved goodbye.

"Goodnight Clara, goodnight Harry." everyone chorused and he led me to his car.


I leaned my head against the window,"Thank you for tonight." I said nervously and he smiled,"No thank you, I had a great time."

He turned on the street to the dorms. "Clara, this was one of the best dates I have ever been on." he sighed happily and I smiled.

"Same here." I said and he pulled into the parking lot, parking the car and walking me to our door.

I fumbled with my keys and opened up the door. "Goodnight Miss Davis." he said and pulled me to him, kissing me on the lips.

"Goodnight Mr. Styles." I hummed against his lips, I was in complete happiness.

He put his hands on my hips, pressing me against the door, his tongue doing a playful dance with mine. I closed the door behind us and pushed his messy curls out if his face.

"You know, most guys on first dates just give the girl a kiss." I smiled.

His eyes darkened a bit and he smirked cheekily and sexy at the same time, an overwhelming combination,"Oh Clara- I am going to give you a lot more than just a kiss."


That was a horrible chapter, ew blech. Well I wonder where it is going... IF ANYONE FROM MY SCHOOL OR REAL LIFE SOCIAL FRIENDS ARE READING THIS (ahem you know who you are :))  THAN DO NOT SPEAK ANY WORD OF THE NEXT CHAPTER.

Okay gnite, more to come soon :)

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