Chapter 10 - Jinxing

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"I didn't hang any pictures in my office for a year because I thought that I would be jinxing myself and have to take them down the next day." ~ Rob Corddry


Clara' s POV.

"Clara where are you? Class is starting and the teacher is scanning the seats for you!"

"Sorry! This day is going to be so busy, I can feel it." I said.

"You need to be here! I am going to fail if I don't have my wing woman! This is and emergency!!!"

I sighed and walked along the sidewalk, talking on the phone to Phoebe and struggling to carry all of my stuff.

"I know! Gwen is very persistent, she asked for a specific type of coffee. I will be there when I can." I sighed.

I had never really been to Starbucks and didn't even know there was that many different types of coffee. What the heck was a cookie crumble frappe? Growing up in my house you either got black coffee or you drank water.

"Okay fineee but be here soon! Oh man, I have to go the teacher is yelling at me-" she said before hanging up.

I pushed open the door and looked inside. The place smelt wonderful! I walked up to the counter, and the cashier looked at me with a forced grin... good morning to you too? He was probably about forty and had grey stubble dotting his jawline.

"Hello what can I get you?" He asked.

"Um," I said checking the order that Gwen had texted me, "I will have a small caramel latte and a small black coffee with a shot of vanilla cream." I said in a friendly tone and smiled.

"Don't you mean a tall?" He said.

"No I want a small not a large size." I clarified.

"The tall is basically a small, it is the same size but a different name." the guy said annoyed.

I was starting to get mad by the man's attitude,"Okay then a tall." I huffed and handed him the money. He gave me back my change and pointed to an area for me to stand and wait for my drinks.

Starbucks was not for me, but if Gwen needed it, then it was a must. This coffee better be good.

I took out my phone again and started looking through my email, checking for anything new. Spam (delete!), stores I shop at (ooh sale!), one from my aunt (yay!), and my banker?!?!

Dear Miss Davis,

We need you to confirm your deposit of $20,000 into your account. Please call us or stop by the nearest banking office to clarify this.


Los Angeles Bankers and Co.

A deposit of $20,000?! Yeah right, not from my pocket.

"Black Coffee with vanilla cream!" the person yelled out and I hurried to the counter to pick up my drink. As I went to pick it up, another hand grabbed it at the same time. The hand was strong and had long fingers with familiar looking rings on it. I followed my gaze up to their face.

Oh cheese doodles.

"Um-um I -I am sorry you can have it." Harry stuttered. I immediately took my fingers off of the cup and stepped back. Well this was weird, cue the awkward silence. Cricket, cricket.

"No it's um-it's fine." I said and looked down. Should I talk to him?!

"No you can have it, I am sure that mine is coming up anyways." he said and handed it to me with a nervous smile. I took it and smiled,"Um thanks."

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