Chapter 14 - Revenge

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"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." ~ Alfred Hitchcock


Harry's POV.

I got into the limo alone with a cloud of anger above my head, making me feel like I was about ready to explode. How could she say something like that? To insult me so harshly?

"Mr. Styles where to?" the driver asked while looking in his mirror to see me.

I sighed heavily, “Back to the rental place I guess." I huffed and sat back on the cool leather seats. I was even angrier because everything she said was right. I clenched my fists at the thought of our conversation.

You don't even try to get to know me!

Instead you drag me out and flaunt your money in my face to bribe me to like you!

The last part always got me.

But you know what? You can't buy friendship or love!

You can't buy friendship or love!

You can't buy friendship or love!

You can't buy love! Love.

The words haunted me like shark circling around its prey, the dark quarrel we had hunting my emotions. Did I actually have feelings for her? I mean I scarcely knew the girl, what was I thinking?

I twisted the ring on my finger, the icy metal sending shivers up my spine. I pulled out my phone and tried calling her.

"Hey! Sorry I can't reach the phone right now, feel free to leave me a message and I will get back to you ASAP!" Her annoyingly joyful voice mail said.

"Bullsh*t." I muttered and hurled my phone at the floor of the disgusting pink limousine. It made a crack sound and I picked it up hesitantly before inspecting the slightly shattered screen.

The car came to a halt,"Mr. Styles we are here." the driver spoke and walked over to openly door for me, but I was quicker than him so I got out and started on a hike back to the house.

It wasn't a far walk but it was enough that my feet were sweating and sore from these darn leather boots. I guess that's what I get for wearing them during summer in California. Beads of sweat dotted my forehead mainly from the heat but also from the fact that my emotions were so screwed with at the moment.

Clara had changed me a bit, I don't know if it was my hair or what, but whenever I was near her or she spoke to me her words seemed to slice me like a sharp knife, creating an effect and leaving an impression on me- something no one else could do. Whatever she said could make me rethink stuff, but when others talked to me it was like they were merely an existent.

I trudged along on the sidewalk and saw our large house come into view. The boys’ cars were all parked in the driveway, a sign that they were all home. I opened up the front door and slammed it shut before running up the staircase and into my room. Lying down on my back on the overly-fluffy bed, I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I commanded and turned my head to see who had approached me.

Liam sat down next to me at the edge of the bed, "Um Harry are you okay mate?" He questioned and I scoffed, "I am just delightful." I said and rolled my eyes.

The last thing I needed was another lecture from Daddy Direction and the rest of the boys.

He scratched his chin which was peppered with small stubble,"You know you can talk with us about this kind of stuff."

I looked at him oddly, “What kind of stuff?" I asked and sighed heavily trying to send him the message that I was not in the mood for company at the moment.

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