Chapter 25 - Love Triangles

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Pic of them! And lol look at that guy in the background XD

I missed you guyssss!!! It's been forever since I last updated and I want to apologize omg my life has been so crazy and I want you to know that I will be updating more frequently for now on! enjoy this chapter!!! ;) xoxo

"It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it's not the Earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her." ~Jacob Black (Twilight, Eclipse)


Clara' s POV.

"How much farther?" Phoebe groaned as she gnawed on a Twizzler in boredom. I checked the time on my phone and my eyebrows perked up in surprise,"Well Phoebe it was been... ten minutes." I said bluntly and she rolled her eyes smiling.

"Clara, your sarcasm never ceases to surprise me," she laughed and I covered my mouth in shock,"Wow, Phoebe was that sarcasm?" I joked and she punched my arm.

"Shut up Davis," she said scrunching her nose. I grinned,"Back at ya Phillips."

So far our ride to the camp site had been full of candy eating, small talk, and very thick air. I knew that something was going on with Harry and this Skye girl, but to quiet my suspicions I instead popped a skittle in my mouth and kept a close eye on them.

It was as if I was the only one who noticed it; all of the boys seemed completely unphased which frightened me a bit due to the fact that these boys could practically read each other's minds.

I looked around at what everyone was doing. Phoebe was trying to drink Pepsi with a Twizzler as a straw, Niall was laughing and looking at Phoebe admirably, Louis was sitting there with a smirk, Zayn was texting Perrie, Liam was reading some book, and Harry and Skye kept sneaking nervous glances at each other.

Louis, who was sitting on my left side, noticed me ferociously examining Harry and Skye with my eyes.

He laughed and nudged me with his elbow,"They're exes." he stated simply and I gave him a confused and defensive look.

"W-w-what are you talking about?!" I whispered real fast and defensively.

Louis grinned and his blue eyes sparkled like topazes,"You, Miss Davis have a lot of talking to do. I see the way you keep suspiciously looking over at them." he said and I laughed.

"What's going on? You're not turning into one of those jealous girlfriends, are you?" he said easing my defensiveness.

"'s just that... I feel like I'm the only who sees what's going on between them; I can sense the tension." I said through gritted teeth.

He just turned to me and whispered in my ear,"Skye and Harry met at a promotion party and instantly hit it off. They fell in...well you know. And then she got drunk one night and slept with a bunch of guys, ran away with one of them and broke Harry's heart. And nobody has spoken of it ever since. Not even to Simon or anything. We just found out not too long ago ourselves."

I sat back and sighed,"So he had a hard breakup and that's why?"

"Yep pretty much." Louis said and stole one of my skittles.

"Hey!" I said laughing and smacking him on the arm.

He shrugged and stole another,"Louis stop it that's not fair!" I giggled and threw one at his face...unfortunately he caught it in his mouth and ate it.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry glaring at us while Skye tried to hold onto his attention to talk to him.

"Harry, are you even listening to me?" she said and nudged his arm. He snapped back and turned to her,"What- listen Skye I don't want to do this right now." he said and she looked at him with disbelief as he got up and sat next to me.

Great, so now I was smushed in between a Skittle Stealer and my Ex-troubled boyfriend. Well isn't that jolly.

"Hey babe," Harry said and put his arm around my shoulders, Louis scooting a tad farther away.

I shrugged him off,"Louis do you want any soda pop?" I asked and got up, walking toward the mini fridge.

"Um sure, a coke would be nice," he said and I took two out, handing one to him and opening one for myself. I sat down stiffly and sipped from my can.

Harry turned to whisper into my ear, in a seductive way, his lips brushing against my ear lobe. "Did you hear me, Babe?" he repeated and I gulped down the coke from thirst and nervousness.

"Yup." I answered and avoided eye contact. "What's going on Clara?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you blind, deaf, or oblivious to everything?" I shot back and crossed my arms.

"Clara I don't know why you are acting like this," he said and sighed.

"Hmmm well let's see Harry, your first love is sitting right across the floor from us and to me it kind of looks like she likes you. Oh and did I mention that she's your bosses niece?" I said and he leaned his head back against the window.

"We all have exes through the years, I mean why is it such a big deal? I'm sure you've had many boyfriends before me just get over yourself,"

His words stung me like a bee- no bees are too nice- more like a wasp.

My eyes began to water and my reaction registered with him, his gears shifting, face instantly falling into an apologetic look.

Get over myself- are you kidding me? This had to be one of the most embarrasing moments of my life. I had never had a boyfriend before other than Harry, so this was not something I could just shake off.

Everyone of the bus was now staring at us, silence falling over the whole perimeter.

"Clara... I am so sorry-"

"I don't want to hear it Harry." I said and stormed into the bathroom, locking myself in and away from the embarrassment.

A tear escaped and I searched for a tissue... unfortunately there was none in sight, so toilet paper would have to do. "Rustic living" is how it's going to be for the next few days anyways...

"Look, we're here!" I heard Phoebe scream in excitement. I walked out of the bathroom after putting on a smile of confidence, and looked out the windows at the scenery before me.

Okay so this kind of camping wasn't your usual, squat in the bushes/forest kind of place. It was more like camping on the beach with a couple fancy looking port-a-potties.

Not that I was a fan of wiping my butt with a leaf, but camping was one of my favorite things and from the looks of it, we were in for an interesting weekend...

Did you like it???! My fingers are crossed that you did!!! 10 comments until the next update and thx soooo much for reading! ;) XoXo GG101

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