Chapter 5 - Clumsiness

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"I'm not clumsy; I'm just accident-prone!" ~ Daniel Radcliffe


Clara' s POV.

Fist pumping my arm in the air, I strutted on the sidewalk clad in my stained t-shirt. My sunglasses shielded my eyes from the radiating sun that was bound to leave some tan lines. I readjusted my bag on my shoulder and made my way downtown to one of the "hidden jewels" of the city, a small coffee shop located on the corner of a street. Named after the novel "The Secret Garden", it sat on top of a small book shop on its terrace surrounded by ivy-covered walls and flowers blooming with butterflies resting upon their petals.

I always went there to sit and enjoy a nice cup of coffee while reading a classic book from downstairs.

Today I entered the book shop, the small silver bell making a small noise as I walked in. The familiar scent of musty books and coffee grounds greeted me.

"Hello Clara, how has your day been?" Zeke the son of the owner asked me as I passed by the counter.

"Pretty good actually, you?" I said and picked off a book from the shelf.

The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

"Very well, would you like to check that one out?"

"Yes please." I said handing him the book.

His tall stature stood above the counter as he stamped the book and handed it back to me as I ran up the old spiral staircase.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous...but then again, it's California. The weather is always the same beautiful self. I walked to the counter and ordered my favorite coffee, black with a dash of vanilla creamer.

"Take a seat, we will call you when it is done." the guy informed me as I told him my name. He scribbled it on a slip of paper and I sat down at a small table.

I buried my nose in the torn pages of the book, flipping each yellow page as my eyes scanned it. The old language was much more poetic and proper than the typical slang used around these days. I loved how the words practically were sung to you even though it was just tiny print.

"Black coffee with a bit of creamer!" the guys shouted as I stood ready to retrieve my steamy beverage.

I walked up to the counter and grabbed the mug while blowing it off softly and making my way back to the table.

"Ow!" someone said as I walked into them, spilling my hot coffee on their shirt. I looked up and saw the same curly-haired boy from earlier- of whom I had also happened to knock into.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I said and set down the mug while rushing over to grab a handful of napkins off if the counter. I took a fistful and was going to dab the stained cloth...but it would be quite awkward considering that it had spilt all the way down to the bottom of his shirt near his crotch.

"Oh-um-I c-can get that." he stuttered and I handed him the napkins.

"Here ya go." I said and picked up my mug.

"Hey are you that girl I bumped into earlier?" He asked examining me.

I looked down out of his gaze," Oh um yeah I think so..." I said and stood not sure what to do at the moment.

"Cool." was all he said before he sat down at his seat and finished wiping off his shirt. I shrugged and went back to my own seat.

Looking into my cup, only a drop of my coffee remained. Too bad.

I picked up my book and kept reading silently.

After several moments of the peaceful quietness, the sound of a chair being pulled out, accompanied the chatter of the quaint cafe. He sat across from me and ran his long fingers through his chestnut locks.

"Hey um do you think I can borrow your stain removing pen?" He said.

I looked up and nodded," Yeah sure." I dug through my purse and handed him the small pen.

As I went back to reading my book, I could feel his eyes on me.

"You a rebel?" He asked with a smirk. I was caught off guard.

"What? I beg your pardon." I said laying it down on the table.

"Well you are reading the Scarlett Letter so I was just wondering..."

"I don't know, it depends if I have had my coffee or not." I shrugged and he laughed at my joke.

I was not a very humorous girl- more sarcastic and straight forward, blunt with my words.

He gestured to my empty cup," Well thanks to me you no longer have any. Let me buy you a new cup."

I shook my head," No it's fine. I guess we are even now?"

"Ha ha yeah." he said chuckling.

"So what's your name?" He asked me curiously.

"Clara Davis. You?" I said but his silence scared me. All he did was look intently at me with mixed emotions across his face.

"um..." I said and he snapped out of it.

"Oh um sorry, Harry. Harry Styles." he said extending his hand. I took his hand and shook it.

Then the oddest thing happened.

The feel from his touch sent shivers up my spine and gave me an almost nervous feeling. There was something there...


Harry's POV.


Those were the initials...

As I studied her face, I realized that she looked a lot like the people from the picture I had found on the campus yesterday.

She was beautiful and very independent. I really liked this girl, and she didn't freak when I told her who I was.

When I shook her hand I had felt something different...

There was some sort of spark.

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