Chapter 20 - Birds & Bees

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"You give me that hummingbird heartbeat, Spread my wings and make me fly. The taste of your honey is so sweet, When you give me that hummingbird heartbeat, Hummingbird heartbeat" ~ Katy Perry, Hummingbird Heartbeat


Butterflies erupting in my stomach, we kissed each other at a fast pace. I could feel my heart beating loudly in my chest, as was Harry's, due to the intimate exchange we had.

"So sexy," he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck, his lips never leaving an inch of my delicate skin. I put my fingers through his dark curls, in attempt to suppress a moan.

I led him to my small bed, both of us sitting down next to each other, our eyes focused on each other. He started to take off his shirt and jacket and I sat there in awe, looking at his bare chest that was inked and toned to perfection. "'re drooling." he teased and I gulped.

"Sorry," I mumbled and looked down, Harry smirking cheekily at my reaction.

"Don't be shy Clara, I know you better than you think," he said cockily and I rolled my eyes at him, smiling.

"Oh Harry, do you always know what to say?" I said and stood, walking towards him and kissing him roughly on the lips, our tongues now battling for dominance.

My hands roamed his chest as he slowly slid my dress off, his fingertips leaving a trail of goosebumps on my bare back from his touch. He un-zipped it and then my dress fell to the floor, pooling at my feet. I looked down and then back into his emerald gaze.

His eyebrows went up as his eyes assessed my body and he gulped,"Not in this moment, you Miss Davis...have got me speechless." he said and then we both looked at each other with hungry eyes.

Sitting on the bed, I straddled him, my heart racing so fast, I feared that I would pass out from euphoria.

"Harry," I whispered as he made a trail of kisses from my neck to my shoulder, sliding my bra strap down. "Hmm," he hummed and continued his slow teasing.

"Harry," I whispered yelled and pulled away. He furrowed his brows at me and frowned.

"What's wrong?" he asked and I bit my lip. I stood up and crossed my arms,"I've never..." I said and turned away from him out of embarrassment.

"Clara, I understand." he said and walked over to me, kissing my lips tenderly. "I wouldn't to take that away from you if you aren't ready. I want your first time to be special."

I smiled,"Thanks for understanding." I said genuinely

He gestured to his concealed manhood, "The only problem is that I have a huge hard on and there is nothing I can do about it." he smirked and gave me fake puppy eyes.

I covered my eyes from looking down,"Harry ew! Just think of grandmother getting a Brazilian waxing or something!" I giggled and turned away from him in disgust.

He chuckled,"Does that really bother you?" he questioned and I nodded furiously, still shielding my eyes.

He laughed even harder,"What about... the word...penis!" he said and I grimaced at the inappropriate word.

"Harry stop! I hate those words ew!" I said giggling yet he still decided to tease me.

He stroked his chin in thought and then his eyes lit up as if he had had an epiphany,"Oh I know! How about, moist cock?" he said and that nearly threw me over the edge.

"EW EW EW EW EW!" I screamed and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and covering my ears like a kid, saying lalalala (haha that's a song), quietly to myself so I wouldn't hear his crude language.

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