Chapter 31 - The "L" word

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Song to listen to while ya read;) it goes really well with the chapter!!!

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." ~Ingrid Bergman


I opened up the door to our dorm quickly, running in and going straight to the bathroom to assess my appearance.

I ran my fingers through my hair and made it appear to have more volume. Then I applied a bit of Chapstick, and I swiped some toothpaste onto my tongue, making my mouth taste minty and fresh.

My outfit was simple and consisted of a plain and casual black t-shirt with light washed denim jeans and black sandals. I didn't wear any makeup today due to the fact that I was rushing so much and too tired to even care.

Would Harry care?

I swiped on a tiny bit of mascara and pinched my cheeks for colour. Not bad...

I checked the time on my phone and quickly dashed out of the dorm and to my car. I slid into the drivers seat and gripped the steering wheel taking deep breaths. Harry had asked me to come over to his place and quite frankly it was frightening for me. We had been dating but things had happened so fast that I didn't even get a chance to learn much about him and I didn't get to visit his home either that much. We were both so caught up in traveling and going on adventures with each other.

But I wanted to learn more about Harry, but just for my job but for me. Unfortunately I had fallen for Harry and knew that I was screwed.

I shook the thoughts out of my head as I focused down the road to his house. When I saw that large mansion coming into view my heart immediately began to beat rapidly and I grew even more nervous.

I parked my car and walked up to the large wooden doors that stood tall, the only thing keeping me from the possibilities of what was to happen with Harry.

I knocked trice on them and waited for an answer. I heard shuffling from the other side and they opened to reveal him.

His hair was tousled lightly, his jade eyes lit up with excitement, and a thin white tee hung on his masculine frame. His long slender legs were accentuated with a pair of tight black jeans and his feet were adorned with his classic black leather shoes.

"Good to see you Miss Davis," he smirked and opened the door for me to come in.

"Good to see you too Mr. Styles," I smiled and bit my lip nervously, walking into the main foyer and getting a good look at the interior of the large estate.

The other time I had been here I hadn't noticed how fancy it was for a couple of college aged guys. College ages guys who are most likely millionaires with high paying jobs, I thought to myself in awe. The whole first floor had an open design plan, each room flowing into the next with a couple of footsteps and no haste.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" He asked and I blushed,"A glass of water please," I muttered.

He smiled and reached into a cabinet of the kitchen, taking out a ceramic cup and filling it with the clear and refreshing liquid.

Handing it to me, I graciously grabbed it and gulped it down. Was it me or was it hot in here?

"Wow you're thirsty huh?" He commented jokingly and I choked on my drink for a second.

Yeah you could say that, I thought slyly to myself.

I checked the time,"We only have a bit of time before you have to meet my aunt at dinner," I smiled and he ran his fingers through his hair nervously.

"Yup, I'm finally meeting your family, this is a big night indeed," he said and smiled.

It was true, considering that meeting each other's family was always a big part of relationships. It meant that you were becoming more serious, and for that I was glad that the dinner tonight was going to happen after all.

I walked up to him and held his hand, affectionately,"Now I have to warn you; my aunt is a bit pushy and hard. After my parents...well you know, she had practically aged from age 20 to 40 in a snap," I explained and he nodded.

"I understand, besides I like a woman with her head on her shoulders, I'm dating you aren't I?" He teased and I slapped him playfully.

"Whatever, now we have some time to kill so what should we do?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Would you like a tour of my house?" He suggested and ran his fingers over my knuckles.

"Sure, lead the way Mr. Styles." I smirked and he walked up the stairs with me.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Miss Davis," he smirked and I gulped with excitement and nervousness.

A couple minutes later, Harry had managed to show me every single recreational room. There were tons, and his list seemed to go on and on.

"Finally, we have reached my bedroom," he said as he opened up a cream colored door and led me to a large king-sized bed.

"It's...spacious," I commented and he nodded.

"Not bad huh?"

"Not at all," I blushed and sat down on the edge of his mattress.

"Good, because that means there's more room for you and I," he said and walked over to me, kneeling on the ground in front of me so our noses could touch at the perfect height, and kissing me with all the strength inside of him.

I moaned and grabbed the back of his head, pulling him closer to me, relishing his touch as he slowly peeled off my tee. I lifted my arms up and in a swift movement he unclasped my bra and tossed it aside.

"So smooth," he murmured while planting kisses tenderly on my collarbone and chest.

I closed my eyes and opened them after a few to take his shirt off. "Lift them," I ordered and he picked up his arms, the dark ink becoming exposed on his tan and flawless flesh.

I began to move back, making room for him to hover above me and begin to grind on me.

I had always been a modest person, so this gesture struck me with shock, thus leading me to gasp and open my mouth- Harry using it to his advantage and slipping his tongue in my mouth.

He continued and he unbuckled his belt, sliding down his jeans. I felt something poking into my leg and I blushed bright red.

We continued for a moment and Harry pulled away with heavy breaths,"If you don't want to go all the way than I need you to tell me to stop," he said feverishly.

I bit my lip,"All the way," I said and he looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"O-okay," he said and we proceeded in our passionate affair.

I ran my fingers down his back and he groaned deeply, the sound resonating so much that I could feel it.

"I Love you," he said and I pulled away in shock.

No no no no no!!! He can't say that I am supposed to be working!!!

Oh my gosh!

I began breathing even heavier than before and thankfully I was saved when the phone beside his bed rang.

He looked at me with a scared expression, and then hesitantly got up and reached over to grab it.

"Hello?" He said and waited while the person on the other line spoke.

A couple seconds later he hung up with a pained and shocked face.

"What is it?" I asked with fear.

He swallowed hard,"It's Zayn...he's quit."


Ew that was a crappy chapter! I have been REALLY BUSY so don't hate me!!!!!!! Updates to come soon! Comment, vote, & most importantly...enjoy!!! xxxGG101 ;)

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