Chapter 15 - Truth

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"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." ~Winston Churchill


Clara' s POV.

I couldn't tell if I was disappointed or excited but I took a big gulp of my drink and turned to Zayn.

"So..." I said and looked into his deep caramel eyes.

He chuckled softly,"So..." he said and we both started to lean in- that was until we were interrupted.

"Oh who needs this stupid game anyways! Let's just do something else." Harry groaned and Zayn and I stopped, but our faces were still inches apart. Everyone went,"Shh!" and Harry shook his head and rolled his eyes in complete annoyance.

I looked back at Zayn, his chiseled jaws and blemish free face despite the small stubble that dotted his chin. His lips looked soft and I took a deep breath before we both leaned in further, our lips connecting.

An excited feeling overtook me and we both leaned in to deepen the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth and mine doing the same, them dancing in sync. After a moment we both pulled away, gasping for air.

Louis laughed,"Wow that was intense." he said with his eyebrows up and Harry cleared his throat,"I am pretty sure the rules don't say to suck each other's faces off." he groaned and I avoided contact with him.

"Umm," Phoebe started,"Clara lets use the ladies room. Please excuse us boys." she smiled and grabbed my hand, yanking me to the bathroom.

It smelt of vomit and sour alcohol inside the cramped room and Phoebe looked confused."What are you doing?!" she exclaimed and I shrugged,"What do you mean?" I asked her and she placed her hands on her hips.

"Harry obviously likes you a lot."

I sighed,"How can you say that? You should of seen how he was acting before. He doesn't care." I said and she laughed.

"If you say so, but no more being a bitch for the rest of tonight! I think you hurt him."

"Fineeeeee let's just go out there again and stop stressing." I said and grabbed her hand, dragging her back out to the VIP section.

Everyone was drinking and I sat back down, feeling a bit tipsy. "I'll go get some shots." Harry huffed and got up.

Liam decided to sit next to me,"Hey Clara, you should talk to Harry." he said and I laughed,"Why?"

"Because---" but he was cut off by an annoying sound, a cackle, coming from a slinky blonde hanging off Harry's shoulder.

I can't believe Harry, we leave for one moment and he already has another girl.

Liam tapped me on the shoulder,"He needs you...just look at him. This was what it was like before he met you. Clara please just consider it." he pleaded.

"Drinks everyone!" he said in a whole new persona with the girl sitting down next to him. She wore a skin tight dress that was way to short and looked as if her boobs were trying to runaway and escape her attire. I glared at her but she didn't seem to notice.

I guess this is Harry's way of pay back.

We all took shots and I took mine without hesitation, the bitter fluid running down my throat, making me feel a bit more drunk than I already was. I striked up conversation with Louis and he told me about his relationship with Eleanor. She seemed really sweet and I hope to meet her some time. After ten more shots, my wasted and restless self  could not sit still any longer.

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