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It was a rather unparticular rainy morning when Hoseok suddenly woke up from his sleep like somebody would have screamed at him to wake up. He shot up into a sitting position, looking around the room that was barely lit due to the light from outside coming through the window. He could hear the faint sound of the raindrops hitting the glass, drawing pattern all over it. He took another look around just to recognize it wasn't his own room. He had once again fallen asleep in Yoongi's arms and he didn't regret it a bit. He took a look to his left where Yoongi was still sleeping peacefully. He smiled at the slight pout forming at Yoongi's face as the warmth of Hoseok's body had suddenly been taken from him.

He wanted to lay back down, snuggle back against his hyung's chest, pulling the blanket over his head and forget about the world outside. However, his heart was beating a little faster as usual and he felt like he wasn't supposed to go back to sleep. Something was off, he just felt it. He slowly got up from the bed, careful in order not to wake Yoongi. He smiled once again as Yoongi started to whine, but Hoseok hurried to put an stuffed bunny in between Yoongi's arms and pulled the covers back over Yoongi so he wouldn't feel cold. Yoongi hugged the stuffed bunny tightly, continuing to sleep peacefully. Hoseok cooed at the sight, but then he turned around. He hurried over to Yoongi's desk, grabbed his sweater, put it on and then he left the room, closing the door as soon as he left the room. He took a look around the corridor, but there was nothing different from all the days before. He walked towards the living room, taking a look around there as well. Nothing, there was simply nothing that would have caused him to stir awake and make his heart beat faster. Hell, he didn't even know what the feeling was, he just knew something wasn't right.

He walked into the kitchen, checking if everything was at the same place as usual as well. Again, nothing. Slowly he starting of thinking about all this as one of the fake presentiments the darkness within him used to trick him into back before life got its color back. But then he heard it, a quite whimper coming from somewhere further away and then there was a voice, quite, soothing. He knew whom the voice belonged to: Taehyung. He didn't really think long about it, he just followed the whimpers and the whispers until he reached their bathroom. The door was slightly open and he saw the light was turned on in the room.

He took a few steps closer, carefully in order not to make a sound. He wasn't so sure if the member inside the bathroom should know he was awake and basically eavesdropping on them. Luckily he was able to take a look inside, noticing it was indeed Taehyung, kneeling in front of someone else. He couldn't yet tell who it was, but as soon as Taehyung moved to the sink with a oddly red towel he was able to see the other person was Jimin. His eyes grew in shock as he saw the blood dripping from Jimin's wrists. He was whimpering in pain, tears were streaming down his cheeks and Taehyung was obviously overwhelmed by the situation. He noticed Taehyung was trying to wash the blood off of the towel in the sink, tears staining his own cheeks. His movements where frantic and Hoseok saw the younger was about to break down.

So, he did the only thing that seemed logic to him. He opened the door, walked into the room and over to Jimin, who was already staring at him in shock. Hoseok kneeled down in front of Jimin, grabbing another towel that way lying on the floor and pressed it onto Jimin's wrists. The younger hissed in pain, but Hoseok's didn't loosen his grip at all.
"Stay still." He commanded, not sure if he should be mad at the younger for doing something like that or actually being concerned. Well, he was hella worried, but he wouldn't show that to the younger who was stupid enough to do what was actually his part.
"Hyung, I-" Jimin started, however was cut off due to another hiss. Hoseok's grip was really tight, and it hurt like hell. Hoseok pulled away the towel, checking on the cuts and how deep they were. He sighed heavily as he noticed that they weren't too deep. They wouldn't have to take him to the hospital. He had enough experience to know when it was necessary to rush to the hospital and when not. He shook his head slightly, sighing once more. He pressed the towel back onto his wrists, looking over to Taehyung, who was staring at him like a helpless little puppy. Hoseok could tell the younger was totally overwhelmed with the situation and probably in some state of shock, but they didn't have time for that.

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