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arthpendragon: hey my dude

anonymous: did you mean it?

arthpendragon: mean what?¿?¿

anonymous: sorry

arthpendragon: no no it's okay

anonymous: about liking to talk to me?

arthpendragon: yes of course

arthpendragon: if I already think you are so funny and kind and i only know the little bit of you that comes through your messages

anonymous: why are you being so nice to me?

anonymous: i don't understand, no one else is

arthpendragon: im sorry about that

anonymous: you'd be the only one

arthpendragon: it's late, you should get some rest

arthpendragon: can't learn with no sleep

anonymous: can't sleep with so many thoughts

arthpendragon: just close your eyes and rest

anonymous: you need to sleep as well

arthpendragon: i also need to comfort my friend

anonymous: im not your friend

arthpendragon: what?

anonymous: i just started getting used to being alone and having no one

anonymous: what makes you think you can come here and mess things up

anonymous: i had everything in order and you messed it up

anonymous: and now im making it worse by talking

anonymous: i sound like im crazy

anonymous: i think i might be crazy

arthpendragon: you ARENT crazy

arthpendragon: and even if you were, there's nothing wrong with that

arthpendragon: im really sorry if i messed up your order but im not trying to do you any harm

anonymous: im sorry

arthpendragon: that's alright

arthpendragon: now go to sleep

anonymous: goodnight

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