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arthur wanted to be able to think he was starting to find out who his anonymous boy was, but honestly he had no idea

if you asked him, he would say that intelligence wasn't one of his strong personality qualities. so the chances of him guessing who they were was very slim

it was now just after first break, the point where everyone started going a little insane as the length of the day dawned on them

percival seemed to be giving merlin an even harder time then usual and arthur was starting to get angry

two day prior, he had taken the younger boys journal that he always carried with his and thrown it to the other side of the lunch hall
merlin still apologised

then the next day he took the journal again and hid it in the girls bathroom and made him get it himself
he apologised again

but today was the worst, he ripped the journal out of the boy's hands and started to read it out loud. in the middle of the lunch hall, standing on the table in front of everyone.

'shall we read last weeks entry?' he jeered to the smiling teenagers who were desperate to get in with the cool crowd

merlin sat with gwaine, eyes wide and mouth open. gwaine looked like he was about to punch something

'school was hell again' percival started 'i really need to stop getting in percival's way, he constantly trips me over'

arthur felt his temper begin to rise as they started to laugh

'none of them know about my medication so i still have to take it in the bathroom. i don't like it in there, it reminds me of the hospital. too much white'

gwaine started to move towards percival until he heard the gentle cries escaping merlins mouth.

'im getting quite sick of being alone. i know i have gwaine- gwaine! you got a honourable mention! - but he just puts up with me. im such a burden on everyone'

gwaine grabbed merlins arm and pulled him out into the garden, giving everyone a dirty look

'he feels so sorry for himself!' percival laughed as the crowd cheered 'thinks he's so special!'

arthur stood up

'should we read it all?' percival called

arthur snatched the journal out of the bigger boy's hand, shaking his head

'arthurs gonna read!' someone yelled to a round of cheers

arthur did not, in fact, read it
he jogged to follow merlin and gwaine outside, ignoring the bunch of lousy teenagers in the lunchroom.

nonstop (merthur AU)Where stories live. Discover now