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'arthur goddamn pendragon' gwen said as she plonked herself down at the table arthur was previously eating alone at 'you need to tell me what the hell is happening'

arthur raised his eyebrow at the smaller girl

'don't give me that look you know exactly what i mean' she narrowed her eyes

the frangipani tree they were sitting under seemed to sway even quieter, as if it was trying to listen in

'i honestly have no idea what you're taking about' arthur lied

he knew exactly what she was going to ask him, he was just praying he was wrong

'you. merlin. how'

arthur swallowed and scratched the back of his head

'i mean, he's just my friend-'

'just friends don't kiss each other'

arthur froze

'how do you know that we...?'

'he told me about it at the party' she said matter of factly 'blush and all'

'what exactly did he say?'

'do you want the whole story?'

arthur nodded, even though he was slightly terrified of what words might come out of her mouth

'right, okay so after you went off to get smashed with percival he looked pretty anxious so i went up and talked to him. i asked him how he knew you and he smiled and said you were his only friend' she looked at arthur to check he was catching on 'that was cute and all but i saw that you both drank at the opposite sex kissing question so i just got straight to it, i said "was he your first kiss" and he got all blushy and said very quietly "and second"'

arthur was silent.

merlin had never been kissed before? after almost seventeen years of life?

'i was his first kiss?' arthur asked in disbelief

'were you not listening?' gwen said frustratedly

'i just... i didn't think that that was his first time'

'was he any good?' gwen asked

arthur nodded absentmindedly before looking at her slightly disgusted

'what? i was just asking! as if i would steal your man!'

'he isn't my man' arthur grumbled

gweniveire rolled her eyes while arthur furiously blushed into his food

'where is he anyway, i haven't seen him all week?'

arthur had been asking himself the same question over and over as well.

he wasn't so incredibly smashed that night to know something was very wrong with his home situation but he was smashed enough to have no clue where it was

'i, uh, i don't know'

gwen suddenly crashed her head onto the table

'you are the worst boyfriend ever!'

arthur rolled his eyes, giving up on correcting the girl

'okay' she said, standing up 'let's go'

he looked up at her in confusion

she sighed and grabbed his arm, hoisting him up

'we are going to the principal, he'll tell us where merlin lives and then you are going to finally confess your feelings to him so he can stop second guessing every freaking move he makes'

within a matter of minutes, gwen had pulled a reluctant but deeply concerned arthur half way across the school to the principals office

'sir!' she exclaimed as she burst through the door 'we have to ask you something'

the principal was an old man, who looked like the kind of man you would not want to meet anywhere when you were alone, but actually had a loving heart, sighed with amusement

there was a long pause until gwen pushed arthur forward

'uh, sir, you know merlin ambrosius?' he stammered 'well we were both wondering if you could give us his address because we haven't seen him in almost two weeks and we're getting concerned-'

'that's private information' the principal said, smiling sadly

'please sir! we think he could be in great danger!'

the principal had always had a certain liking for arthur pendragon, just always felt a little bit sorry for him

'look, i would give you his address but it'd be of no use to you'

gwens eyebrows knotted together in confusion

the principal sighed again, arthur thought he must enjoy doing it somehow

'merlin ambrosius has recently been admitted to hospital'

this is getting so many comments what the FUCK

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