thirty eight

496 36 12

dedicated to the lovely SsuMmMmerR & Merlinstories because their comments make me smile so big, sorry for being a demon

merlin was sure he was going to die in the position he was currently in, hands chained above his head and legs only just managing to stand. there was no possible way he could get out of this

'oh! you're awake' a voice sang 'took you long enough'

merlin only then realised he'd been asleep, he was in a completely new place and percival was nowhere to be seen.

'what? cat got your tongue?'

he couldn't find the strength to lift his head

'oh come on! we used to have such fun, don't tell me you've somehow gotten even more unlikeable'

'what do you want, mordred?' merlin spat defeatedly

mordreds eyebrows lifted as he smiled

'you remember me!'

'you don't fucking let me forget'

mordreds demeanour suddenly darkened and he took merlins face in his hand

'do not try and make me the villain, old friend' he spoke without emotion 'you are the monster in this equation'

the familiar insult struck merlins heart, making him instinctively flinch from all the years he'd been labelled it.

'im not a monster'

'wrong!' mordred yelled

and suddenly the chains holding merlin crackled, leaving merlin with zero control over his body as it violently shook.

a burning sensation spread from his limbs into his chest, making him feel like his heart was going to explode

'what was that?' merlin whispered once it had finished

'remember electricity? turns out its not only helpful to man, but also very dangerous. could kill you actually'

'is that what you're going to do?' he panted, sweat dripping from his face 'kill me?'

'oh yes, one day!'

merlin look around, desperate to find something or someone who could help him but was met only with darkness

'i don't understand what happened with us mordred'

'you tried to kill me!' mordred screamed

merlin couldn't speak, this was not the boy he'd admired long ago. this was an entirely new, broken man. and it somehow seemed to be merlins fault.

as the electricity sparked again, sending him into a sensation that wasn't far from his heart attack. there was only one thought on his mind


'what?' mordred said, electricity stopping 'did you just say 'arthur'?'

merlin struggled to catch his breath as mordred laughed

'you said his name! you really think he's coming to save you!'

mordred stepped out of the darkness until his and merlins faces were almost touching

'has no one told you?'

'told me what?'

merlin refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing his defeated face and kept his eyes trained on the ground

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