thirty three

561 37 4

i love texting chapters because they don't have to always be grammatically correct woop woop

gwen: Hey merlin! Just messaging to make sure everything is okay, neither you or arthur have been at school for two days...

merlin: gwen, i need youre help

gwen: **your

merlin: what?

gwen: You used the wrong your

merlin: sorry

gwen: Its fine

gwen: What do you need help with, darling?

merlin: arthur's deaf

gwen: What? How?

merlin: he came back from school on monday two hours late and completely bloodied up

gwen: And deaf?

merlin: and deaf

gwen: Permanently?

merlin: i don't know

merlin: and he can't tell me what happened because he can't hear me asking

merlin: he's always crying and i don't know what to do

gwen: Do you want me to come around?

merlin: no

gwen: Okay wow thanks

merlin: what?

merlin: oh god no no no no not like that

merlin: he doesn't want people to see him like this

gwen: Are you alright

merlin: no not at all

merlin: i've never been this far away from alright in my life

gwen: Merlin I mean this is the nicest way possible but you were legitimately almost dead a couple of weeks ago.

gwen: Surely Arthur is a tad less important than your own health

gwen: God, that sounded so awful

merlin: arthur hasn't done anything other than cry and stare into space with this heartbreaking look on his face

merlin: and i have absolutely no idea how to fix that

gwen: What have you been doing with him for two whole days?

merlin: im trying to avoid touching him

gwen: Why would you think that's a good idea?

merlin: he can't hear me coming! i don't want to scare him

gwen: He would already be fucking terrified

merlin: i know

gwen: No, you don't know so stop pretending you do

gwen: What if somehow the situation flips and you lose your hearing. Would you want your boyfriend to comfort you or keep his distance

merlin: fuck

gwen: I mean that wasn't really an option but its your life

merlin: nonononononononono

merlin: i just realised how much of a hopeless, terrible person and boyfriend i am

gwen: Don't make excuses, just help your boyfriend

merlin: words can't describe how much i adore you. thank you so much

gwen: When will you be back at school?

merlin: can't be sure... but if we aren't back in two weeks assume the worst

gwen: Haha

merlin: no really

merlin: something bad is gonna happen, i can feel it

gwen looked up from her phone which displayed the messages from three weeks ago and took a deep breath, walking up to the door of where the boys were staying...

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