twenty eight

713 54 4

this is unedited so if it doesn't make sense im sorry

one gift arthur had alway had was the ability to sleep anywhere at anytime. he had fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow (after making sure merlin was comfortable, of course)

the black haired boy smiled faintly as he looked at the numerous bandaids plastered on his hands, remembering the previous conversation

'we only have children's bandaids, is that okay?' arthur asked in genuine concern, looking away from the medical cupboard

'yeah, im not fussy' merlin answered, legs swinging over the kitchen cupboard he was currently sitting on as he picked at the newly forming scabs on the back of his hand

arthur frowned and pulled merlins hands towards him

'don't touch them, love' arthur said keeping his eyes locked on merlins 'and also they're minion bandaids but its too late you already said yes to them'

merlin swerved his head to avoid arthurs lips, protesting about having little yellow jellybeans from hell on his own hands

merlin was jolted out of his thoughts as the blonde haired next to him stirred for the first time in the hours they had been lying for

arthurs hand reached up and balled the duvet tight in his fist and snuggled into it. merlin decided he adored the boy more than anything in the world, then and there

'merlin?' arthur mumbled sleepily, eyes remaining shut

'hmm?' merlin hummed softly, placing his hand over arthurs

'jesus christ, your hands are freezing!' arthur exclaimed and opened his eyes 'you arent even under the covers!'

the black haired boy rolled his eyes at the blonde as he motioned for him to move closer.

as soon as merlin was engulfed in the blankets, arthur's arm was around his waist and merlin audibly gasped

'is this alright for you?' arthur opened one eye and asked

'i just...' merlin trailed off 'this all feels to good to be true. i mean you're perfect, i don't know if you're doing this as a joke or because you feel sorry for me or because you genuinely like me and im scared that if i blink this whole thing is going to be over'

arthur looked at the boy with mouth agape

'merlin, im far to tired to express how fucking much i love you so just know its a lot, im not going anywhere' arthur yawned 'goodnight'

arthur lazily pressed a kiss to merins forehead and fell asleep while merlin replayed the other boys words in his head

'you... love me?' he whispered to himself

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