August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 1

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My name is Keira Lee Alexander. My first name is pronounced Key-Air-Ra not like Kira. Keira. I'm 17 years old and I go to Lancaster High so that means I live in Lancaster SC. I have two older siblings. A brother named Jayson who I hate with a damn passion. I can't stand his big fat ass. He's 21 years old. Then you have my sister Renee who is 24. I don't really like her but I can tolerate her. My mom is disabled and has been that way since I was 10.

Just to give y'all a little description of what I look like before we start the story I'm 5'3, light skin with hazel brown eyes. My hair stops right at the top of my breast so I guess you can say its long and yes it's my real hair and I'm fully black. I'm not mixed with a damn thing but African American and African American. The only reason I'm so light skin is cause my dad is black ass hell and my mom looks to be white but you can still tell she's black.

I woke up to my alarm clock going off so I cut it off and sat up in the bed for a few minutes. Today is Friday and I'm happy as hell cause me and my best friend Melanie are going to an August Alsina concert in Charlotte. I'm not buzzed about going to his concert cause in my eyes the nigga is just like everybody else only difference is he is famous. That's it. I'm happy cause after the concert me and Melanie are going to a party if all goes as planned.

I got out of bed and stretched and then walked over to my closest to pick out an outfit. Right now it's the middle of January so it's cold as hell outside. I decided on faded black skinny jeans and a black and red shirt that had ' Don't Kill My Vibe ' on it in red writing.

I grabbed a bra and some underwear and walked to the bathroom only for my fat ass brother to be in the shower.

" Are you fucking serious!!? " I yelled.

" What? What's the matter? " my mom asked.

Like I said my mom is disabled so she can't walk anymore but her room is like right next to the bathroom so she can hear who goes to the bathroom and what not.

" Your son is in the shower knowing damn well that I needed to take a shower this morning. " I said.

" Well ya ass should've got up earlier. " he said.

I nodded like he could see me. If he want to play that game then fine lets play. I twisted the door knob and it was locked. I smirked and I literally kicked the door down. " Keira!! What you doing?!?! " My mom yelled.

" Nothing ma. " I said in an innocent voice.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet and flushed the toilet about 3 times and then went into the kitchen an turned on the kitchen faucet to. I wasn't worried about the water bill cause I pay it just like I pay the rent, cable, and light bill in this house. That's a damn shame when a 17 year old is paying all the bills in the house when she got two older siblings who both work. What type of shit is that?

" What the fuck!! " Jayson bitch ass yelled.

" Get ya ass out the shower!! You know what don't. Ill just go to Melanie's house and take a shower. " I said.

" Turn the water off you running up the water bill! " he yelled.

" Why the fuck you care? You don't pay jack shit in this house!! You a grown ass man who is 21 years old and can't even help me pay the bills. How the fuck you make 1200 dollars a month but can't even help put grocery in the house?? Type of shit is that? " I yelled going to my room.

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