August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 35

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- Keira POV -

Today I was going to go the the mall to do a little bit of shopping for me cause apparently I'm starting to out grow my clothes. My pants are looking like they tights, my shirts are starting to look like half shirts and good lord do not even get me started on my breast. I've went up a whole fucking cup size!! How the fuck could I possibly do that.

" You really gone leave me by myself? " August whined smacking my ass making me wince in pain.

My ass is so damn sore that it hurts to sit down like it really hurts to sit down. All August does is smack me on my ass now that it's gotten bigger. So he says. Me and him have sex at least 4 times a day and it's all cause I be feeling so damn horny. I don't know what's going on with my body but I sure as hell don't like it.

" Will you quit smacking me on my ass. Damn. " I said rolling my eyes.

" If I don't quit what you gone do hoe? " he smirked causing me to slap him across the face.

" First off I ain't no hoe and know what you just pissed me off. Bye. " I said grabbing my keys and bag.

I left out the house and drove over to Teanna's house to meet with her and Lauren and my daughters. They girls were still with Teanna and Trey.

I pulled up to Teanna's house and instantly ran in the house. A bitch had to pee. Hell I think I knocked Trey down trying to get to the bathroom but hell I had to pee.

Once I finished using the restroom I washed my hands and met the girls in the living room.

" Damn Ke yo' pregnant ass almost knocked a nigga down. " Trey said as he hit me in the back of the head.

" I am not pregnant for the last time. " I groaned.

" Shiiiit. Ke have you seen yo ass and titties lately. Bitch you pregnant. " he smirked causing me to smack him the same way I smacked August.

" Y'all motherfuckers gone quit calling me out my name and shit. Damn. " I mumbled.

" Ke what the hell is wrong with you? Smacking him like that. " Teanna said.

" Te shut the fuck up okay. Lets just go. " I said walking out the door and going to my car.

Once Lauren and Teanna finally brought they asses on I drove us to the mall.

We were now in Rue 21 looking at a few pair of pants.

" So Lauren what's been going on with you? " I asked sparking up a conversation.

" Nothing much. Just been taking care of my son and doing what I do best. Acting. " she blushed meaning she was hiding something.

" You sure? " I smirked.

" Okay fine you got it out of me. I think me and Lloyd are gonna start dating. " she squealed making Teanna drop the dress she was looking at.

" You and Lloyd? Wow. " she smiled.

" Yeah. I really like him y'all. He's funny, charming, loving, caring, and he doesn't even care about the fact that I'm ' Lil'Wanyne's baby momma ' as the media puts it. I'm really staring to fall for Lloyd. " she blushed.

" Awe that's so cute. My bitch is in love. " I cooed.

" Whatever. " she chuckled.

" So what about you Te? Anything going on with you an Trey? " I asked

" Well me and him are working on having a baby. We really want to have kids now. " she smiled like it was nothing.

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