August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 14

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- Keira POV -

I woke up with a pounding headache and to see three notes on my nightstand and a present. I wiped my eyes with my hands and took the first note. It was Melanie telling me that she would be back later. I opened the second one and it was Laya telling me the same thing. I moved on to the third one and it was from August. When and how did he get in the house?

I opened the letter and read it.

Keira I know that last night was not the best night for us and I'm truly sorry. Im sorry for making you feel like I was defending Stacy when that wasn't the case, I just really wanted to let you know that you can't go around hitting people like that but then again you were right because she disrespected you and your mother. I shouldn't stood there and just let her do it but I was scared to even move. If you were an boy an you were in position last night you would've did the same. Two girls who are going at it? Hell no. I wasn't going no where near that but back to the point. Im sorry. I really am. You know that love you and like I said. I was just trying to protect you. If you look beside this note its a gift. I wanted to give it to you last night but we had that argument so I waited. When you open it give me a call or text me.

Love August


You are a really heavy sleeper.

I smiled through out the note and then grabbed the box that was sitting on my nightstand. I opened it up and it was a ring. The ring was beautiful as ever and the diamond in it was huge as hell. I didn't put it on cause I wanted August to put it on for me when I see him again. I grabbed my phone off the charger and texted August.

Me: I read your note and opened your gift. I was wondering if you could come over.

MyBaby😍😍: I'll b there in bout 30 mins

Me: Okay

I put my phone down and then looked at the ring again. I put the ring back in the box and then got out of the bed. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked at my legs and they were both purple from the top of my thigh to the top of my knees. I felt so embarrassed that I put on some sweat pants and I changed my shirt. I looked at my knuckles and seen that they were red and they were aching like hell. I went downstairs and into the kitchen to get some ice for my hand. I sat at the table and placed the ice on my knuckles. I heard the front door swing open and I knew that it was August. " Baby where you at? " he asked.

" I'm in the kitchen. " I said.

He walked into the kitchen with one hand behind his back an the other in his pocket. " Hey baby. " he said pecking my lips.

" Hey. " I smiled.

" I uh gotcha these. " he said pulling out a bouquet of cream and black flowers. " These are pretty. ThankYou. '' I smiled taking the flowers.

" No problem. " he said sitting down across from me.

" I'm sorry for how I acted last night. I shouldn't did that and I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. '' I apologized cause I was wrong for how I acted last night.

" It's okay. Im sorry for making it seem like I was defending her and I'm sorry for squeezing your wrist the way I did. I was just pissed at how you was acting. " he smiled weakly.

" Well I guess it's all good now. " I chuckled.

" Oh yeah there's something else I got for ya. " he said going into the living room and then coming back.

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