August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 17

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- August POV -

I'm just sitting here in this hotel with my manager Nicole and my homie Kurt. Im in Germany and this is my second day here. The time zones are different from the US so it be a little hard from me to get in contact with Keira. I hate the fact that I had to leave her cause just as soon as I get back to the States I gotta do two interviews. One with Keira and that's with Sway and the other one is by myself and I forgot about the place ima do the interview at but it'll be all good.

" Aye bruh I'll holla at you later cause its plenty of bad bitches out here and I ain't never had foreign sex before so yeah. " Kurt said leaving the hotel room so that just left me and Nicole.

" So August tell me about your girlfriend. " Nicole smiled scooting closer to me.

" Why? " I asked scooting away from her.

" Cause I wanna know about her. " she said.

" All you need to know is that she's my girl and I love her. " I said.

" Okay. So let me ask you something. Is she better than me? " she asked sitting on my lap.

" Yo on some real you need to move. You ain't bout to get me in trouble with my girl. " I said trying to get her off of me.

" Just answer my question. Is she better than me? " she asked again.

" What if I say she is then what? Man Nicole move. " I said.

" Why August? Why did you drop me? You knew how I felt about you. " she asked.

" Don't even do that shit cause you know exactly what it was. It wasn't nothing but sex. No strings attached or none of that. Now get the fuck off me. " I growled.

Why the fuck can't people just leave me alone? I know they see I'm in a relationship and I'm trying to be faithful but niggas ain't really helping. It's bad enough I still got Stacy calling me and shit I don't need Nicole doing this either.

She rolled her eyes and got off of me. I decided to call Keira and check up on her and my baby that she is carrying.

" Hello? " Keira answered groggily.

" Hey baby. " I said.

" August do you have any idea of what time it is? " she asked.

" Nope. Why don't you inform me. " I said being a smart ass.

" It's 4 in the morning here. Me and your child are trying to sleep. " she groaned.

" But I miss you. " I cooed.

" And I miss you too. When are you coming back? " she asked.

" I'm coming back in two days. Tomorrow is my last day doing a show and then Thursday I'll be home and Friday we have that interview with Sway. " I said.

" Do I have to go? Why can't I just stay home? I don't want anybody to know about the pregnancy yjust yet. " she groaned.

" Yes you have to go and we don't have to tell them about the pregnancy. Just wear a big shirt or something. " I said in a duh tone.

" Don't get smart jack ass-- Oh what's the use I'm too tired to even argue with you. What time is it over there? " she asked.

" It's 10:30 at night. " I answered.

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