August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 26

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- Keira POV -

(3 weeks later)

It's been 3 weeks since I've spoken to August and to be honest I don't care anymore. I'm now staying in a hotel just for a little while cause I feel like it. I have a radio interview this morning and I'm ready for it. I'm also going to the studio to work on my song called Walk Away.

I was getting ready when somebody knocked on my door. I opened it while trying to put my hair in a bun. I finally looked up and it was the last person I wanted to see.


" What the hell you want and how the fuck you find me? " I snarled at him.

" Your all over the media since your pregnant so I looked up where your were staying and I want to talk. " he said looking at me with sorrow in his eyes.

" Then talk. " I said standing in the door way.

" Can I come inside? " he asked.

" No. Look you got less than 3 minutes cause I have a interview this morning. " I said.

" Well first I want to apologize for putting my hands on you. Keira I am so sorry and if I could take it back I would. You don't know how bad I regret that. Also I didn't lie about possibly having another child on the way. There is a possibility that I could have another child on the way. I just wish I could have told you differently. Keira I'm sorry and I want you back. " he said.

" Let me ask you something. Did you already know before you proposed to me? " I asked.

" Yeah. "

" So why the hell didn't you tell me before you proposed? Oh never mind I know. You didn't tell me because you knew for a fact that I would leave yo' ass cause I wanted to be the first person to carry your child but I guess that ain't gone happen any more. August let me tell you something. I hate you. You ain't shit but a bitch ass nigga. I can't fucking believe I gave you 3 years of my dam life. You ain't shit. " I growled.

" Keira I know I was wrong for not telling you and I'm sorry. Please just forgive me. " he begged getting down on his knees and wrapping his arms around my waist.

" I forgive you. " I said quietly.

He jumped up and tried to kiss me but I dodged it. " What's the matter? " he asked.

" I said I forgive you. I didn't say anything about taking you back. August I'm done with you this time and I mean it. You've already cheated, lied, and hit me. What's next? I'm done. " I said trying not to cry.

" Keira you can't be serious. " he said looking at me dumbfounded.

" I'm as serious as a heart attack. I can't take anymore heartbreak or pain from you. I'm done. I refuse to let you walk all over me. " I said.

" Baby I'm sorry. I'm sorry please don't do this to me. I want us to be a family. Keira please. You got me on my knees. What else do you want? " he cried.

" I want you to leave me alone. I'm done. I don't want to be with you anymore. The only reason why I can't fully be done with you is because I'm carrying your child. As a matter of fact if it ain't about the baby don't text, or call me. " I said wiping my tears.

" Keira-- "

" Will you just leave!! Can't you see you've done enough to me. Just leave. Please. I'll text you when I have my next doctors appointment. " I said snatching away from him and slamming the door in his face.

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