August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chpater 33

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- August POV -

It's been about a month now and Keira just ain't the same no more. Me and her finally got married and I been happy. " Baby. " I cooed to Keira.

" Yeah. " she said barely over a whisper.

" I Love You. " I said rubbing on her thigh.

" I Love You Too. " she smiled.

It's been about three months since me and Keira done had sex. Every time I try she always says she's not in the mood or she doesn't want to be bothered.

" How much you love me? " I asked pulling her into my lap.

" August...not tonight. " she said.

" Come on Keira. I'm sexually frustrated baby. " I said kissing her neck.

" No. I'm not in the mood. I'm sorry. " she stated.

" Fine. GoodNight. " I said turning out the lamp and laying down.

Me and Keira don't have to worry about the girls for a while because my mom has them while she's out in Virginia.

I felt Keira get out of the bed and I heard her go out on the balcony. I understand that Keira is still hurting but she can't keep acting like this forever. It's like she doesn't care about anything any more. She hasn't been to the studio in I don't know how long, she hasn't been doing her motherly or wifely duties any more. It's like Keira is depressed I don't like it.

I got out of the bed and walked out on the balcony to see Keira sitting in a chair with a bottle of Vodka in one hand and a blunt in the other that was sparked.

" Keira you shouldn't be out here drinking and smoking like this. It's not good for you. " I said trying to take the bottle and blunt from her but she only slapped me across my face.

I clenched my jaw and tried to keep my cool. I was trying with all my might not to hit her.

" Leave me alone. Go back to bed. All you want from me is sex. You can care less about my damn health. " she snarled and I instantly knew she was drunk.

" Keira I'm trying to help you. I do care about and I do love you. If I didn't I wouldn't have married you. " I said.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever August. Why don't you just go back to in the house and let me be? Don't you have something better to do than be out here with me? Don't you have a concert or something? Or don't you have to go to the studio? " she growled.

" Baby let me help you. Alright you're drunk and you're high. " I said.

" I don't need your help. Hell I don't need anybody. I feel like I'm 14 years old all over again. I feel like just going to the forest and running free with the animals. Okay I feel like just dying. I ain't got shit to live for any damn way. My sister and momma is dead and don't nobody care about me. I'm all alone in this world now. Why am I still here? I could just jump over this balcony and I'd probably die but it don't matter cause ain't nobody gone miss me-- "

" Keira shut up. Don't you ever say that. You got me. You got Aaliyah. Aria might not be your blood daughter but you have her too. I know that you hurting and all but don't you ever say don't nobody love you cause I do. I love you with everything I got and you know it. Hell you my damn wife and it's really scaring me to here you talk like this. It really is. Keira baby you need help. " I said grabbing her arm.

By the way just to let y'all know that a week later after Tasha died Keira's mother passed away too. She died of a heart attack and every since Keira has been out of it like no other.

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