August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 34 (Part 2)

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- August POV -

Me and Keira had just gotten back from the breakfast date or whatever the fuck y'all wanna call it. I was sitting on the beach looking out at the ocean thinking about my brother Mel. Life would've been so different if he was still here. " Need some company? " Keira asked.

" Nah. Ke if you don't mind I'd like to be myself for a minute. Nothing personal. " I said trying to hide the fact that I was gonna cry.

" It's okay August. I know how it feels. " she said smiling weakly.

" Ke I ain't trying to be rude but you don't know what it's like. Your sister died of aids. My brother was killed by 6 bullets. See the difference. " I said comparing how our siblings died.

" They might have died in two completely different ways but I know your pain. You're hurting and you wish your brother was here with you just like me. I'm hurting and I wish my sister was here with me. I know your pain. You're not alone in this. " she said through clenched teeth and tears.

She kissed my forehead and walked off leaving me there crying like a baby. Y'all just don't know how close me and my brother were.bSome nights when I can't sleep I talk to Mel. I don't know if he can hear me or not but I talk to him. I just wish he could talk back. I ain't cried like this in a long time.

I felt somebody tap my shoulder. I looked up to see Teanna standing there with a box of tissues. " Just leave me alone aight. I don't want to be bothered right now. " I sobbed.

I don't give two fucks about what any of y'all saying right now about me crying cause guess what. Men cry too and I ain't ashamed to cry in front of people. What you gone call me weak? Ion give a fuck. I ain't weak when shit pop off though.

" August did you forget that Mel was a huge part of my life too? " Teanna asked.

" Man Te just leave me alone. " I said.

" No. August Mel was a big part in my life just like he was yours. I was crushed when I find out he was killed. August if anybody knows your pain it's me and Keira. Keira has lost her sister and her mother. I know that you miss Mel. Hell I miss him too. I really do. Why do you think I stayed on you so much about getting out of the game when I found out Mel was killed? " she asked rubbing my shoulder.

" I don't know. " I mumbled.

" I stayed on you because I didn't want you to end up like Mel. August you were all I had. You an Mel were the only two people that I had. Mel was already tooken' from me and I didn't want you taken from me too. That's why I stayed on you Aug. I needed you. Hell I still do. Believe or not. " She said.

" It's just...Its hard. I swear to you that I would drop all of this fame shit just to get my brother back. I would drop Keira and my daughters just to see him again. That's all I want. That's it. I just wanna see him again. " I cried.

" I know Aug. I know. " Teanna said as she got down to my level and held me while I cried in her arms.

After that I was straight. I just needed to let that out. Its been so heavy on my mind lately.

" Where's Keira? " I asked walking back into the beach house.

" She cried herself to sleep. Aug can I talk to you for a minute? " Lauren asked.

" Sure. Come on. " I said going back outside.

" Okay I think that Keira is pregnant and I thought you should know. " she said seriously.

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