August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 22

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- Malaya (Laya) POV -

I was on my way to go to the mall with Melanie and Teanna. Keira is no longer our friend any more because she basically chose August over us. I can't lie I miss me and her being friends cause she was my backbone. The person I could tell everything to but it is what it is.

" Laya this is pretty. You should get it. You know Issa would love it on you. " Teanna winked while showing me a bikini.

" I bet his ass would. " I chuckled.

" Aye ain't that Keira and August? " Melanie asked pointing towards the food court.

August and Keira were sitting across from each other while holding hands. '' I miss her. " Melanie sighed.

" I do too. " I confessed.

" Y'all should talk to her. " Teanna suggested.

" If we talk to Keira you got to talk to August. " I smirked.

" Hell to the motherfucking no. He passed a boundary that shouldn't of been passed. Therefore I ain't got shit to say to his punk ass. " she said rolling her eyes.

I gave her a hard stare and she gave in. We walked over to Keira and August. Keira was laughing at August and August was holding her hand and rubbing it with his thumb. " Well look who it is. Keira Ima go to FootLocker and let you talk with them. " August said once he saw us.

" Baby no. Stay. For me. " Keira said.

" No cause I know it's paparazzi around and if somebody say something Ima go off and I don't need that for my image. " he said.

" Please just stay. If somebody says something I'll let you walk away. " said Keira.

" Fine. " he sighed.

" So what do y'all want? " Keira asked.

" Keira we want to talk to you and Teanna wants to talk to August. " Melanie said.

" After two years she wanna speak to me? Ha. I'll pass. " August scoffed.

" August. " Keira scolded.

" Alright I'll talk to her. " he said.

" Good. I'll meet you at the car in 30. " Keira said.

He nodded and walked off with Teanna and Keira went with me and Mel.

" What do y'all want to talk about? " Keira asked.

" Ke we miss you. We really do. " I said.

" And I miss y'all too but I don't like how y'all treated Aug. He's a really good person and both of you knew that. " she said.

" Oh so you call a nigga putting his hands on yo friends a good person? " Melanie snarled.

" Look Mel that was your fault. You hit him first. Didn't yo momma tell you that if you hit a man you better brace ya self cause he got every right to hit cha' ass back? Well that's what August did. You know damn well August wouldn't have touched you if you hadn't of slapped him. So that was your fault. " Keira snapped.

" Why you choosing him over us? That shit ain't right. " I stated.

" I'm not choosing him over y'all. I want us to be friends again but we can't if you guys are gonna disrespect me and August's relationship. August loves me and I love him. Hell a blind nigga could see that shit. I'll admit he was wrong for hitting you and I apologize for that on his behalf but you tested him. " Keira said.

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