August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 24

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- Keira POV-

" Just a few more. " King said.

I was at the gym lifting at least 300 pound weights on my leg and this shit ain't no joke. King be working me hard as hell.

" Okay stop. " he said.

I stopped and rubbed my legs.

" What time is it? " I asked.

" 6:30. " King answered.

I nodded my head and continued to rub my legs. King walked over to me and began to rub on my legs but not in a sexual way. The he was rubbing my leg was making them feel good if that even makes sense. " So King tell me about yourself. " I said.

" And why would I do that? " he chuckled.

" Cause I want to know about you. You're so mysterious. " I smiled.

" Whatever you say but I'm 20 years old and I'm from Chicago Illinois. I'm single and that's pretty much it. " he said still rubbing my legs.

" You single? As handsome as you are and you single? Something ain't right. You got hoes then don't you? " I said making him laugh.

" Nah not really. I got my eye on somebody but she's already taken. " he said looking me in my face.

" Well who is she? Is she pretty? " I asked.

" Oh trust me she's more than pretty. She's beautiful. She's actually the most beautiful girl I've laid eyes on since I've been here. " he said.

" Who is she then? Do I know her? " I asked.

" Trust me you know her very well. " He said.

" Well since you won't tell me her name tell me what she's like. " I said.

" She's a wonderful person. She has a funny personality and I can tell she's been through a lot but like I said she's taken so I can't really do a lot. She's actually one of my clients. " he said.

I thought about it for a minute and realized it was me. King was talking about me. " Oh. " I said.

" So you ready for me to take you home? " he asked changing the subject.

" Yeah. I wanna be there when August gets home. If he even comes home. " I said.

Lately August has been back in the studio more cause he's working on his album Testimony or whatever so he's not home as much but it's all good cause he got me a dog so I'm no longer home by myself.

" Alright well come on. " he said helping me up.

I no longer have a wheel chair but I do have crutches since my right leg ain't all that good right now. I grabbed my crutches and with the help of King I walked out and got in his car. " King I just want to thank you. " I said.

" Why? " he asked.

" Cause if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be walking like this again. " I said.

" Keira you ain't got to thank me. I'm just doing my job. Well here you are. " he said pulling up to my house.

" Okay. Once again Thanks. " I said.

He nodded and I leaned in to give him a hug. When we pulled back we just stared into each other's eyes until he leaned in and kissed me. After about a minute I pulled back cause it was wrong. " I am so sorry. That was not supposed to happen but I couldn't stop myself. " King said.

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