August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 8

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- Keira POV -

(3 months later)

Well I finally graduated and I'm now in Atlanta. I decided to wait until next year before I go to college just to get a chance to know my way around Atlanta. Right now its the middle of July so it's hot as Satins piss. Goddamn is so fucking hot. Me, Melanie, and Laya live in a 6 bedroom house that is two stories all because August didn't want to listen to me when I said get an apartment and not a house but overall it really is nice. I've met a couple of August's friends like some guys named Jacquees, Tevin, Kurt, Issa, and Bobby. I got a feeling that Melanie likes Jacquees and Laya likes Issa but they not gone say nothing.

I was on my way to August's house just to spend some time with him because he had just got back from doing a few shows in Florida and I missed him a little. Im starting to get used to him doing shows out of the blue or whatever so it doesn't bother me as much.

I knocked on his door and he answered. " Hey baby. " he said hugging me.

" Hey. " I smiled, hugging him back.

He took my hand and led me inside, and into the kitchen where there was breakfast food on the table. " What's this? " I asked.

" Well I figured today I'd make you breakfast and then later on tonight we can go out to the movies or something and we could talk. " he shrugged.

" Talk about what? " I asked curiously.

" I'm ready to tell you about myself. Fully. I'll tell you every and anything you want to know as long as you promise not to judge. " he said with a sly smile.

" Baby why would I judge you? I have no room to judge you or anybody for that matter. " I said wrapping my arms around his torso and looking him in his eyes.

" You're right its...You know what never-mind lets eat. " he said changing the subject.

He pulled my chair out and then I sat down. I was a little scared to eat the food in front of me cause I didn't know wether August could actually cook or not and I didn't know if I would like the food. " Keira it's okay to eat it. I know how to cook. " he chuckled.

" I didn't say you couldn't. " I smirked.

" You didn't have too. They way you looked at the food said that you think I can't. " he said.

" Oh whatever. " I said taking a bite of the bacon that was on the plate.

We made small conversation while we ate. It was nothing major so I'm not gone bore y'all with the conversation. After we ate he washed the dishes up real quick and I couldn't help but smile. Its nothing more sexy than a man who can cook and he can clean after himself once he finishes. I wondered off in his house just to look around. I hadn't really seen much of his house. The only thing I had seen was his bedroom, the kitchen, and the bathroom. That's it. Nothing more nothing less. I looked around on the first floor and seen nothing major. I saw a few pictures with him and some other boy who looked like him so I figured it was probably his brother or something. He was still cleaning so I walked upstairs and seen more pictures but this time it was with a little girl who also resembled him. I was hoping it wasn't his daughter but then I remembered he said he didn't have any kids so I figured it was his little sister. Just as I was about to go back downstairs I passed a room and the door was closed. I got curious and started wondering what was in it but I knew if August had it closed he probably didn't want anybody in the room so I just left it alone. I walked back down the steps and August was sitting on the couch. " Find everything okay? " he asked with a little anger in his voice.

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