August Alisna : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 3

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- Keira POV -

~ 2 months later ~

Today is Saturday and I didn't have anything to do. I was at home by myself with nothing to do. I was thinking about calling Malaya over but I liked having the house to myself. I was laying in the bed just chilling when my phone went off. '' Hello? '' I answered.

'' What you doing ma? '' he asked.

'' Nothing. Just laying in the bed. What you doing Mr. Alsina? '' I asked.

Me and August have been talking on the phone every since I gave him my number and I think that I might be starting to like him but it's nothing too serious.

'' Same as you. Just laying in the bed. '' he chuckled.

'' You ain't got no interviews or nothing to do? " I asked.

" Nah my schedule is empty as of now. " He said.

" Oh. Okay then. '' I said.

" So when can I see you again? " he asked.

" What you mean? " I asked.

" I mean when can I see you again? Duh. " he said in a duh tone.

" Don't get smart nigga and I don't know. When do you want to see me? " I said.

" I want to see you now to be honest but I know that's probably not gone work out. " he sighed.

" How you know? '' I asked.

" Cause I know and plus you live in another state and I don't know where you live. " he pointed out.

" Guess you right. '' I said.

" Sounds like you want to see me too. I thought you ain't like me though? " he chuckled.

" Oh shut up. " I blushed.

" I can tell you blushing too ma. Just say you like me. " he said.

" I don't like you. " I laughed.

" So you say. You know you like me. " he said.

" August shut up. " I said.

" August. " I heard a female voice say in his background.

" Hold on for a minute Keira. " he said quickly.

" Okay. " I said.

While he was doing whatever I got up and made me a sandwich and grabbed my lap top out of the kitchen. " Aight I'm back. " August said.

" Mmhmm. " I said cause I had a mouth full of food in my mouth.

" You okay? " he asked.

" Yeah. I was just eating. " I said.

" Oh alright then. Sound like somebody was muffling your voice or something. " he laughed.

" Yeah yeah. Who was that? " I asked.

" Huh? Oh you mean the voice you heard. That was my cousin Teanna. " he said.

" So do y'all like live together or something? " I asked.

" I guess you could say that since she always over at my house but she does have her own house. " he yawned.

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