August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 32

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- Keira POV -

I woke up with a slight headache and August was rubbing my back gently. " I see somebody is up. " he smiled looking down at me.

" Yeah. What happened? " I asked.

" I had left you in the car to be alone for a minute and when I went back out to check on you, you were sleep. I guess you cried yourself to sleep. " he said.

" Oh. Where are the girls? " I asked.

" Aaliyah really wanted to see Ms. Amy so your aunts took her and Aria to see her. You want to talk about earlier? It scared me seeing you cry like that. " he said making me smile cause that right there is one of the reasons I fell in Love with August.

" Well Tasha told me that she only has uh...uh to the end of this week to live. I don't want to lose her. " I sighed rubbing his chest.

" Baby I know it hard trying grasp on to the fact that somebody close to you only has a certain amount of days to live. I gotchu' on that but I'm here for you. If you ever just want to talk about it I'm here for you and you know that. Ima always be here for you especially since we engaged now. " he smiled grabbing my hand.

" I know you gone always be here for me. " I said snuggling closer to him.

" You hungry? " he asked.

" A little. " I shrugged.

" Your aunt cooked. She said when you wake up there's a plate in the microwave for you. " he said.

" Okay. " I nodded.

I sat up in the bed and stretched a little before getting out of the bed. August sat up too and he attacked me with kisses all over my face. " August stop. " I squirmed in his arms.

" Nope. Say I Love You Daddy. " he smirked.

" Are you serious? Get off of me August. I'm hungry. " I laughed.

" You ain't that hungry if you ain't gone say what I told you to say. " He said tickling me.

" Okay...Okay...I Love....You Daddy. " I said in between breaths.

" Now give me a kiss. ''

By this time August had my arms pinned over my head and he was laying on top of me. " Well come here then. " I said biting my lip.

He leaned down and kissed me passionately. He let go of my hands and put his right hand on the side of my face and his left hand on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him even more passionately.

" Damn. I Love You. " August said out of breath when he pulled back.

" I Love You Too. " I chuckled pecking his lips.

He started to suck on my neck and I knew he would leave a hickey. " August stop. " I moaned lowly in his ear.

" I don't want nobody but you kissin' on my tattoos and I don't want nobody but me talking to you. " he sung in my ear.

" If you don't move. " I laughed.

" I'm for real Keira. I Love You with all my heart and I don't want nobody but you. It's me and you against everybody. " he said looking me in my eyes so I knew he meant what he was saying.

" I know you love me and I Love you too. I can't wait to be your wife. " I said running my fingers through his hair.

He kissed me again before getting off of me. He helped me up and I realized I was in just his shirt. " Where are my clothes? " I asked.

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