August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 6

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- August POV -

**3 days later**

For the past 3 days its been doing nothing but raining, lighting, and thundering so me and Keira have been in the house by ourselves. Her brother and sister went to stay in RockHill I think until the storm blowed over so I was more than happy to be alone with Keira. She still a little sad about her mom but not as much.

I was sitting on the couch playing on my phone or whatever while Keira was standing be the window. " You know it ain't safe to be standing by a window when it's lighting right? " I asked.

" I'll be fine. You hungry? I can cook you something or make you a sandwich or whatever. " she asked.

" Nah I'm straight. " I said shaking my head.

" Well I'm hungry so I'm about to fix me a sandwich. " she said going into the kitchen.

I heard her rumbling for stuff in the kitchen so I just laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. '' I know you not sleep. " Keira said laying on top of me.

" Nope. I was just waiting on you. " I said putting my hands on her waist.

" Such a sweetheart. " she smiled.

" You've only seen one side of me and that's the sweet and caring me. Just wait a little while longer and I promise you won't think that of me anymore. " I chuckled but I was serious.

" When you say that do you mean like there's a violent side of you or a side that I would probably scared of? " she asked.

" There's a violent side of me, there's a sweetheart side of me, and there's a side of me that nobody likes. Also a side that you might be scared of but I don't think you'll ever see that. " I said.

" That shit is making me question you. " she laughed.

" For what? " I asked.

" It's making me a little scared of what you could do to me. " she said.

" Baby I promise the only thing I'm gone do to you is Love you and shower you with gifts. As soon as this storm disappears. " I chuckled.

" Promise? " She said poking her bottom lip out.

" I promise. " I smiled.

Just as I was about to say something all the power in the house went out. " Looks like a power outage. " Keira smiled.

" What you smiling for? " I asked.

" I can't smile? " she said smiling harder.

" Nope. " I said.

" Well too damn bad. " she said getting off of me.

When she got off of me I sat up and followed her to her room and she pulled out a bag of weed and some cigarillos. " Really? " I asked.

" Yup. Don't even front cause I know you smoke too. " she eyed me.

" What makes you think I smoke? " I raised an eyebrow.

" Cause I know you do. Now here. " she said handing me a blunt.

I took it and then snatched the lighter from her hand. " You really think you own shit don't you. Just be taking all my shit. " she said.

August Alsina : Not An Ordinary LoveWhere stories live. Discover now