August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 18

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- Keira POV -

I was on my way to see my brother Gabe since it's been a minute or two since I seen him. I pulled up into his driveway and of course he was sitting outside on the porch.

" Hey Gabe. " I yelled getting out the car.

" Hey Keira. How you been? " he asked.

" I been good. What about you? " I said sitting down in one of them rocking chairs.

" Just living life. August treating you right? " he asked.

" Yes he is. He's on tour right now and I haven't talked to him in like two weeks though. " I sighed.

I miss my baby and being pregnant by him doesn't make it any better. I'm three months pregnant and the only people who know are my family and friends.

" Two weeks? The fuck that nigga got going on? " he scoffed.

" Gabe you know he's busy with his tour with Pusha T and
2Chainz so I'm not tripping and plus I've been going over my lines for this play so I don't really think about him as much. " I said.

" That's good. You find out what you having yet? " he asked.

" No. I find out when I become four months. I'm so excited though. I think me and Aug are gone make wonderful parents. " I beamed.

I truly believe that me and August are going to make wonderful parents. I Love August so much an he loves me so I don't mind carrying his baby. I hope it's a boy though. Boys are easier to deal with then girls.

" You know if you need anything I'm here for you right? Don't hesitate to give me a call. I'm yo big brother and ima always be here for you. " he said looking at me seriously.

" I know. " I said.

Me and him talked for a little while mee until it got dark and I left. I drove to my house and when I got there I fixed me a bowl of fruit and got a water bottle then I went upstairs to my room. I was watching Family Guy on TBS when a sharp pain occurred in my stomach.

I had no idea what the pain was or what it meant so I ignored it and went back to eating my fruit. A while later the pain came back but this time it was unbearable.

" Ahh!! " I screamed in pain.

Soon I felt the bed become soak and I looked down to see my sheets soaked with red stuff. I finally realized it was blood.

" Melanie?! Laya?! " I yelled.

" What's up? " Melanie said rushing into my room.

" I need to get to a hospital now. " I said panicking.

" Why? Whats wrong? " she asked.

" I don't know. Something's wrong with the baby. " I said getting out of the bed.

I was now at the hospital waiting for a doctor to tell me what was going on. " Keira calm down. Everything is going to be okay. " Melanie said.

" No it's not!! August isn't answering his phone, I don't know what he's doing or even where he is, there could be something wrong with my child. It's all too much. " I cried.

The doctor knocked on the door and came in the room. " Ms. Alexander I'm sorry to say this but it seems you had a miscarriage. " she said.

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