August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 34 (Part 1)

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- Keira POV -

Me and August were both in Florida having fun. We've been here for about three days and actually Lloyd, Lauren, Que, Teanna, and Trey all tagged along and all of them have been keeping a smile on my face. Especially when Lauren and Lloyd get to arguing. Its so funny cause they act like a married couple.

As of right now I was out on the balcony watching the beautiful sun set. August rented us a beach house on a beach of course but this beach is real beautiful at night and during sun set. It's just different from other beaches. I can't explain it but y'all get the picture. Anyways, I took a sip of my peach flavored Ciroc and continued to watch the sun set.

" It's beautiful out here isn't it? " Lloyd asked walking onto the balcony but he closed the door.

" Yeah it is. It's real beautiful. " I smiled taking another sip of my Ciroc.

" Keira I just wanted to talk you in private for a moment. All jokes aside. " he said calling me by my name so I knew he was serious.

" Go ahead. " I nodded.

" August told me what's been going on with you and your family and first I just want to say that I'm sorry for your losses. I know that you're probably still hurting but I want you to know that you like my little sister and ima always be here for you. You ever need anything and Aug be trippin' you call me and I gotchu' aight. You're a beautiful girl and I hate to see you go through what you're going through but baby girl just keep your head up and everything will get better. " he said in a serious tone but also a sympathetic tone.

" Thanks Lloyd. That means a lot especially since it's coming from you. " I said blinking away the tears that hadn't fell from my eyes and wiping the ones that did.

" I didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you if you ever need anything. I better head back in before they realize I'm missing. Remember what I just told you now. " he said kissing my head before disappearing into the house.

I looked back out at the sun set and my mothers face popped up in my head. I smiled and wiped the tears that had fallen from my face. Gosh I miss my mom and my Tasha.

I heard the balcony door open and August stepped out.

" What you doing out here ma? " he asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

" Watching the sun set. It's beautiful August. It really is. I've never seen anything like it before. Im glad you brought me here. " I smiled.

" Anything for my wife. " he said making me smile wider.

" You know I was thinking me and you could have our wedding on a beach. " I said.

" Whatever you want. The weddings are usually for the woman anyway. " he chuckled.

'' Not always. " I laughed.

It was quiet while we both just watched the sun set. I swear to y'all that all of this is the type of shit you would see in a movie. It just felt so surreal.

I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned down and kissed me then of course my phone started to ring.

" Don't even think about it. " he mumbled against my lips while grabbing my phone out of my back pocket.

" But baby it could be something important. " I said rubbing his chest.

" It can wait. " he said throwing my phone over the balcony.

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