August Alsina : Not An Ordinary Love - Chapter 19

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- Keira POV -

I went back to my place tired as hell. I still kept the apartment cause I had already moved my stuff in their before August had came back and I wasn't about remove all of that shit. Hell no. I placed my keys in the dish bowl and walked to my bedroom tiredly. The play is coming up in about 3 days and I'm so anxious. Tyler told us tomorrow we needed rest so we didn't have to go to the auditorium to rehearse.

I popped down on my bed and 5 minutes later my phone started ringing.

" Hello. " I groaned answering it.

" Don't hello me. Keira where the hell you at? " August chirped.

" I'm at home jack ass. " I said.

" Did you forget tonight was our date tonight? " he asked.

Fuck. August said he had wanted to take me out and do something special for me just to show me how much he loves me and I guess it must've slipped my mind.

" Oh fuck. August I'm so sorry. I really am but I can't do it tonight. I just can't. " I said.

" Baby please. " he whined.

" I'm so sorry. I truly and honestly am. I swear that I'll make it up to you. " I said.

I really did feel bad cause I know that August probably put a lot of thought into this date. " Keira. " he whined.

" I'm sorry I am. To make it up to you I'll cook whatever you want and I'll even do that thing you like during sex. " I said.

" Fine. I guess but you really owe me. " he sighed.

" ThankYou baby. I Love You. " I cooed.

" I Love you too. Can I come over since you didn't come over last night after you finished rehearsing? " he asked.

" Yes you can come over. " I smiled. " But I'm not promising you anything tonight cause I'm tired. " I added.

" Don't you even worry about that. I gotchu' ma. " he said.

" Okay. I'll see you when you get here. " I said.

" Aight. On my way now. See you in about 10. " he said hanging up.

I chuckled at him and decided to take a quick shower. Once I got out the shower August still wasn't here so I just got back in the bed. As I was dozing off I heard August come in. " Wake up. I got a surprise for you. " he smiled.

" Oh lord. What you got for me August? " I laughed.

" Come on. " he said grabbing my hand and helping me out of bed.

He covered my eyes and walked me to the living room. He uncovered my eyes and I seen that he made my living room into a little movie type thing. He had covers, popcorn, candy, and fruit. " Baby this really sweet of you. " I smiled hugging him.

" Well I know it's not much but I wanted to start making it up to you for what I said about the while miscarriage thing. I was out of line and I'm sorry for that. I know how much you really wanted that baby but maybe it was god trying to tell us something. We never know. " he said kissing my forehead.

" You don't have to do anything else for me cause this right here just made up for it. " I said looking up at him.

" No it doesn't. I gotta take you shopping tomorrow. " he whined.

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