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OH GOD,..... Noooo

He was pretty sure he set the alarm but why didn't it go off... He was late on his first day of school..... He was a high-schooler now .... He got up and quickly changed into his uniform and ran out cauz he didn't had much time before the school starts..

It's Friday and he's starting school 4 days late.... It's cauz of moving and stuff ..... Finally after running tirelessly for 15 minutes he saw his school and he was in awe... It was huge and beautiful...... A smile appeared on his face..... He liked it.. after calming down he randomly choose a path and start walking cauz he don't know what to do... He just want to find the admin office.... After like 3 minutes of walking around he was happy by himself cauz it led him straight to the admin office....... He quickly complete the paperwork then he was told that according to his enrollment no he is assigned to the house of Eagle's.... He was confused of what this means and the officer who was dealing with him told him about the house system..... So the student body of this school was divided in to 4 houses.... Eagles, Hawks, Tigers and Leopards... Through the school year the houses compete in sports, debates, music and dance,arts and a lot more and the house with most wins takes the House of the year trophy....

(**** Actually the school I attended was house based so I thought it will be fun to add it****)

He seriously didn't know what was going on so he just kept nodding...... Then he was introduced to s tall man.... He was handsome and looked so gentle and calm....

Man:: Hey my name is Yook joon young ... You can call me Mr Yook... I'm your house master and your homeroom teacher.... It's nice to meet you son

KTH:: hello sir ... I'm Kim Taehyung.... It's nice to meet you too sir

And then he was led to the Eagle's hall.. that's what sir Yook called it.... On the way he was told that this house has been No#1 for the past 3 years.... And alot of other stuff including how it works... How can he join teams.... And how the points get added to there GP ..... So as good you perform as many points you get.....

So it means I have to join teams ... Studies are not gonna be enough..... He was sad.... But what can he do.... Then Mr Yook told him that every Friday they gather in the hall for morning assembly and after the lunch they all gather again and do practices.... Make sceduals and alot more cauz Friday is house activity day.... It's to prepare the students for upcoming competitions and stuff.....

Then all of a sudden sir Yook announced that they have arrived and Taehyung was caught off guard... Now he started to worry and panic.... He was an introvert.... It was hard for him to open up to strangers and even to make small conversations..... Because of this he always kept to himself and was perceived as mysterious, unapproachable and kind of proud.. and thanks to this he never had a single friend in his 15 years of life.... He can't be blamed for this though cauz it was the result of what he went through as a child and kind of still going through..... And this was a topic he never wanted to talk about.... Ever....

He was thinking all this stuff when he was startled by a cough... His head jerked up and he saw Mr Yook smiling.....

Mr Yook:: we are here..... Cheer up kid.... You will like them all .... They are really nice kids.. and your classmates too... U will like them... Have confidence ok son.... Fighting.

Taehyung smiled a shy smile and gave a nod...

T.H:: fighting..

He was then told to wait as Mr Yook entered the hall.. Inside the hall everyone was busy chatting happily cauz it was the first house meeting of the new school year.... There were alot of new faces... The freshmen's and they were excited to join this house..... Everyone was anxious for 12 o 'clock... Cauz thats the time when the actual meeting will start and everyone will get to see what the freshmen's have to offer.... To schedule practices with their teams and a lot more fun stuff.. Aside from all this excitement there was a group of six guys who were gathered in a corner immersed in there own little world..... They happened to be the most popular guys of the school.... They used to be 4 until recently when two freshmen's joined them.... They all were known to be childhood friends and everyone... Teacher or student... Admired there friendship... They were the friendship goals.... And also they were good at almost every thing ... Be it sports, academics or music.... They were called BTS... And everyone in the school loved them...

They were in their own world when they heard Mr Yook calling for everyone's attention...

Sir Yook:: everyone today we have a new friend with us...( He heard exclamations from the students and he knew it was gonna happen cauz no one joined late and this guy was an exception.... He was a genius to tell the truth and he was happy to have him)... everyone I hope you will be happy to meet this guy and ask you to be nice to him ok.... (He smiled)... Taehyung come in son..

Taehyung was waiting outside the hall anxiously and when he heard his name being called he told himself that everything's going to be fine.... So he put up his mask.... The confident but blank I don't give a damn face and entered the hall..... And he heard some gasps and squeals...... He was used to it all.... So he just went in stopped by Mr Yook's side and said "hi" giving a single nod to his head.....

Everyone was waiting for the new guy to enter.... BTS was also paying full attention cauz they wanted to see who was this guy who actually kind of broke the school rule... They wanted to see if he was Worth it.... So when he did make an entrance.... Everyone especially the girls..... They instantly loved him........... He was tall with beautiful shade of brown hair and he was super handsome... His face was beautiful and innocent but there was no expression on his face.... It felt like he don't give a damn to anyone.... He looked kinda proud but everyone can tell the reason and when Mr Yook told them about his records and stuff in academics.... Everyone was awed.... This guy was a genius and even though he felt like a cold person... People wanted to know him more... Specifically a group of six guys.... Who were just standing there having same facial expressions as his and checking him out.....

No one paid special attention to how short his intro was... Which was actually just one word.... And then everyone clapped in response telling him that he was more than welcome to join them...... Finally sir Yook told him to go stand by freshmen's cauz it was assembly time now..... And he sighed in relief.....he hated being the center of attention..... So he quickly made his way to an empty corner and on his way he saw a bunch of guys having fun with each other...... He envied them .. deeply.... Cauz in his sixteen year of life he never had a single person he can call his friend. to him people meant sadness , hurt, pain, and all that and that's why he avoided them.... Cauz he had enough of it all and he wanted his life to be normal... Where he can have days without pain and harm done to him by people around him..... He just wanted to be alone but he didn't know that this school will change his life.... For good.. he will learn to trust and love people and he will have someone to call a friend and that they will influence his life and make him so happy that he will forget the past.... But before that to happen he will have to go through some more things.... Some more hurts.... Some pains but in the end he's gonna be the happiest person ever... He just had to wait bit more that's it..

I hope you guys will like it..... It's my first time.... It's totally my own thing but if there is a resemblance to anything then just forgive me cauz we are humans and we can mistakes...... Thanks

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