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It was almost an hour since taehyung went to sleep and all the bts were just sitting around him looking at his sleeping form.... he still had the traces of tears on his face... and every now and then he frowns a bit and pouts cutely and bts find it adorable..... for them it was as like they got a new toy that fascinates them so much... taehyung was no more a mystery to them they now know a lot about him even though the boy didn't tell them anything yet.... they just want him to trust them and for that they are ready to do anything..... 

finally Jin decided to wake tae up because the lunch hour was almost over and he wanted to feed at least something to taehyung as they have to go prepare for the first game....  but it proved to be a very hard task Cauz as much as they tried he was still not waking up and the fun part was that he had made himself comfy on yoongi's lap and yoongi was almost freaking out and others were dying with laughter on his funny reaction... 

hoseok:: I just want to see how will tae react when he sees what he is doing right now.. I mean he freaks out when he sees  yoongi hyung....

Namjoon:: I bet that would be hilarious...

Jimin:: but hyung what if he really freaks out ... you know how it gets when he freaks out... 

jungkook:: hyungs don't worry too much right now we just have to wake tae up .. we have a game to go too and we have to feed him too... think please 

At that jin's  eyes lit up and he screamed 

Jin:: guys guys guys I have a brilliant idea... you know how tae loves soccer so we can use it to wake him and feed him... and I also plan to use it to lure him 

Jungkook:: what do you mean hyung..

Jin:: just don't laugh .. anyone of you and just help me and go with my story whatever that is and I assure you we can win tae over slowly 

Namjoon:: are you sure hyung

Jin:: positive 

All:: ok we will go with it 

Namjoon:: but hyung just try that in all that we won't hurt him or his feelings 

Jin:: don't worry joon I won't do anything that will hurt this precious little baby

All groaned 

Jimin:: Jin hyung really.. baby.. he is 15 hyung he's not a baby

Jin:: what ever Jimin for me he is .. look how cute and fluffy and squishy and small he is.. oh my God I love him sooooo much

Jungkook:: (laughing out loud) lord save that boy from our umma Jin 

And they all started laughing and Jin shushed them all and he told them that he's gonna get his plan going now and he went near taehyung...

Jin:: taehyung wake up boy .... get up it's time for the game now .. you can sleep if you don't wanna play 

And it felt like the words were magic Cauz in like a second he was sitting up and rubbing his eyes cutely with his closed fists...  they all literally cooed at how cute he looked but when he looked up they were all sad for what they saw in his eyes and they never wanted it to be associated with them... taehyung's eyes held fear and with the fear there was a bit anger and he moved to the corner as quickly as he can to put some safe distance between him and bts.. and when jungkook moved towards him he flinched and backed up more even though there was no more room behind him... his breath sped up and his whole body was tense ... his eyes were starting to brim with tears...  Jin sensing this told them all to back off and specially jungkook.. to say jungkook was not hurt was an understatement.. he was hurt a lot but he knew it was his own doings that made tae like that so he quickly and quietly backed off... Jin slowly approached taehyung..

Jin:: hey tae see they all are away now.. calm down ... breathe,,, they are not gonna hurt you.. we are all friends here right... see .. just calm down ... we won't hurt you ... I promise 

And then what taehyung said made there hearts shatter... it was just a shaky whisper but they all heard it nice and clear... 

taehyung:: promise.. promise you won't hurt me

Jin:: (moving a bit forward) promise tae ... now you have to eat something if you want to play

And just like that Jin had his full attention and his attention diverted 

Taehyung:: I.. I can play. Coach won't let me.. 

Jin:: yes you can.. you see I have made this special soup that will help you heal real quick and in no time you will be able to play 

And on jin's this statement everyone literally face palmed Cauz tae was no kid he will know that Jin is making it up just to have him eat it but taehyung's response was something that caught them all even Jin off guard and it also told them something.. tae was so innocent and pure... and they promised again to protect him ..

Tae::(looking at Jin with innocent and wonder filled eyes) there is a soup like that 

Jin:: yeah it's special and only I can make it

Tae:: how did you know about it hyung 

Jin and everyone felt there hearts melt... he called him hyung.. 

Jin::( almost squealing with happiness) my mom taught me.. ok now no more questions you have to drink it quick ok and you have to finish it 

And taehyung nodded quickly like a little eager boy who is happy to get a treat ... Jin quickly gave him the soup but seeing that the boy was shaking with weakness he decided to feed him... and to his surprise taehyung didn't resist it... 

Jin:: (while feeding tae) you have to promise me something if you wanna get better quick 

Taehyung::: what??

Jin:: you have to eat lunch with us... stay with us in school and in our dorm until you get better or else I'm not helping you and no more special soup... 

they all really wanted to smack jin's head Cauz he was being ridiculous... but they had so many surprises today and taehyung's answer was one of them..

Taehyung:: ( thinking hard) hmmm ok but it's just until I can play ... now can I have some more please I'm hungry 

They were happy... so so so happy... it was the biggest step they could ever have and they all thanked Jin silently because this was achieved all because of him... now they all wanted to prove good fiends for taehyung... now they can care for him .. love him... and do all the things for him that were never done for him before... 


I just couldn't resist saying yes... I can feel there sincerity and I'm also tired of living alone ... I need someone and I feel like they won't hurt me... I just want to believe that ... and i know I'm being selfish but I do crave to be loved and cared for and I just wanted to be felt loved... and all things aside Jin hyung is amazing.. he knows to make special soup that can heal me quick.. I'm impressed and I also want to heal quickly Cauz it hurts sooo much... I hope everything goes good with my stay with them...

Hey guys... sorry sorry and sorry for this long ass break... I was busy... so here is a new chapter hope you like it... I think the story is almost nearing its end... forgive me if the chapter is boring... 

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