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Finally the tournament started and it was there first game today and fortunately for taehyung he was finally playing...... He was super excited for the game and seeing him happy made bts happy as well..... There competition was strong today even though it was the first game for both sides.... The first half was so intense that even though both sides attacked no one could score a single goal .... Same thing happened in the second half and both the sides were getting frustrated.... The rival school started playing dirty to score at least one goal and win but bts and there team were not having it... Everyone felt like they were watching the final instead of a simple qualifier for the quarterfinals.... Taehyung was totally hyped up and wanted to score a goal.... Everyone in the arena loved his game so far... He was so good that the teams watching him play were already planning how to cope with him in there games against his team... Taehyung just wanted to score a goal and end the game cauz there were just a few minutes left .... And that's what he did.... He got a pass from jimin and that was when he went for it and after skillful maneuvers he finally scored and left everyone in awe .... But what awed bts was his reaction after he scored the goal.... He ran towards jin ignoring everyone and jumped and hugged him tight smiling widely while screaming " hyung hyung look I did it... I did it".... And that made everyone smile and then they had a group hug... And everyone noticed that he didn't flinch at all.... Day after day the games went on and a lot of people were impressed by the way taehyung play .. A lot of schools and colleges wanted to recruite him but for taehyung it all didn't matter cauz the ones who matter to him the most now were the six guys who hugged him, babied him and loved him unconditionally... And he wanted nothing more.... They were his world and his life revolved around them... Even if someone wanted him to die for them he would cauz he loved them because they were the only people who loved him and cared for him when his own family and other people just hurt him.... It was the least he could do for them and it was no joke ..... Even bts wasn't aware of his these strong feelings for them.... Even though its been just a little bit over a month since there real friendship started but for taehyung it was more then enough to love them and care for them as if they were his real brothers and for him they were.....

On one hand when people were praising taehyung there were also some who envied him to no end... For them it was hard to believe that just a kid got so much attention and he was the kid who never appeared before on the soccer scene.... This rookie player was a big threat to a lot of people and they wanted him out of the scene by hook or by crook..... And bts knew it all... They have been noticing the piercing gazes full of hatred pointed towards there beloved maknae and they vowed to protect him on all costs and that's why they were being extra clingy to taehyung but he didn't mind it at all on the contrary he was actually enjoying this attention....

Finally it was the  day of there final game and everyone was ready to play... Taehyung was more exited because after this game they all were getting the Christmas holidays and he was going to visit the parents of bts... For him they all were like his parents and he was exited to buy gifts for them.....

Everyone gathered in the field both players and spectators... Most of them were supporting taehyung and his team and bts was happy but also a little envious by seeing almost all the play cards having taehyung's name and picture on them.... They all shrugged the thought off and went to the side for there personal group chant that they did for the finals usually.... And it was tae's first time hearing it... It was nothing special just a promise made by friends but no one knew it was going to be the motto of one of them's life.... The chant goes like ...." For friends  I live and for them  I can die".... Yup it was a bit dramatic kind of chant and guess what who came up with it... Yup you guessed right.. The eomma of the group jin...he loved being a bit dramatic......

The game started and as everyone expected it was a tough game between the best... But to everyone's dismay the rivals were strategically targeting taehyung.. He was the forward and he was totally circled by the rival team players and he couldn't do anything.... They have even injured him by tackling him and pushing him to the ground.... His leg hurt a lot but he wasn't paying attention to it neither was anyone else .... His imobility was frustrating him as well as his team  ... So by the second half he was constantly yelled at by his team mates and coach and they all specially bts forgot in that moment how he hate getting yelled at.... But in that moment no one seemed to care .... Bts actually forgot the promise they all made with taehyung but tae  never took it negatively even though he knew he could not withstand the angry yelling anymore .. That he could not stop the panic attack that was slowly building up .... So he just prayed the lord to help him and have mercy on him.... He didn't have the courage to face the fact that  the people he came to love and who cared for him start hating him..... He can't take it.... And his prays were answered when jungkook finally scored and there team won.... Yes they won and everyone gathered around jungkook and other team members leaving him totally out but he didn't care nor did anyone else..... He was just plain happy by seeing his hyungs that he loved the most happy.... He was in his thoughts when he was shoved hard on the ground in result injuring his leg more cauz it was the one kicked hard and also his hand .... And he heard someone saying.." Be careful brat... They won't be able to save you that Long and so would you... We will take revenge for the humiliation you and those bastards caused us today... Be ready "... And with that they left leaving a trembling taehyung alone.... He had just one thought going through his head how to keep his hyungs safe from these dangerous people but when he looked up and saw his beloved hyungs and his team celebrating without even noticing that he wasn't the part of it , he was forced to think that  was he that worthless to be dumped so easily by anyone.... Was he that unlikeable that people tend to forget about him that quickly... But he couldn't let go even if they shread him to pieces because that's how he was... Giving his all ..... But the people who promised ignored it and forgot.... Maybe he was just a game for them too ... A temporary attraction...... And with these thoughts in his head and silent tears on his face he left for the hotel leaving the people celebrating the win he played the major role in behind...... 

...some more angst coming up..... But don't worry even though I love angsty stuff I also like happy or near happy endings....  Yes he will suffer a bit more but then he will get the reward... Just wait a bit.....
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