chap #13

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It was 8 pm now... 4 hours since they brought taehyung home and he was still sleeping....... they all kept check on him from time to time ..... Jin finished making soup for the younger one and jungkook has already prepared some comfy clothes for taehyung to change in.... they were all desperately waiting for taehyung to wake up .... they didn't even know what the boy's reaction would be if he will accept them or not but now they all sincerely want to befriend him... they have caused enough trouble for the young boy and now they wanted him to trust them even if it is a bit...., they wanted to take care of the younger one.... and they all knew he needed it... a lot... taehyung was so fragile and he had got a lot thinner then the first time they all saw him.... the dark circles and bags under his eyes showed his lack of sleep and rest.... his pale complexion showed them that the boy was not ok enough... that he was putting up a strong front even though he might be totally broken inside.,., and they as the older ones felt sorry for that..... for not being able to help... for only causing more pain and trouble and for being oblivious to it all until it got out of hand... they were sorry...,

Hoseok was the one who decided to check on taehyung now... it was almost 9 now...... he got up and entered the room and was shocked to find taehyung trembling and sweating buckets..., he panicked not knowing what to do and yelled for the boys..... all the others were in living room doing stuff when they heard his yell and immediately ran to see what happened..... Jin saw the situation in front and quickly went to taehyung's side..... taehyung was running a high fever .... jin told the boys to bring some cold water and a cloth...... Jimin ran out to bring it.... then he asked jungkook and namjoon to help him change taehyung's clothes cause one they were dirty and had blood on them and two taehyung looked so uncomfortable in them....

What the guys weren't expecting  were so many bruises... new and old decorating the young boy's body..... he had whip marks on his back... he also had some burn and cut marks on his arms thighs and stomach.... other were the marks given by his bullies.... they were all shocked.... one thought running in all of there minds that the boy had a very abusive and dark past......they now understood his cold behaviour.... his lack of emotions..., the flinching or tensing of his body upon small contact....him telling them that pain is nothing new to him....they now understood..,, one thing all of them silently decided was to never bring it up with the boy that they have noticed or seen his old marks.... 

They took care of taehyung whole night... his fever was still high but now he wasn't shaking that much....all the boys had fallen asleep in the same room.... Jimin and hoseok were passed out on jimin's bed... namjoon and yoongi on the couch..... Jin on the carpet and jungkook on the bed next to taehyung.... suddenly jungkook was woken up by the sound of whimpering and some one shaking.... he got up just to see that it was taehyung.... taehyung's body was jerking... it seemed like he couldn't breathe...he was sweating a lot ... there were tears coming out of his tightly shut eyes and he was mumbling incoherent words...anyone could tell by the painful expression on his face that he was having some kind of a nightmare.... and his breathing becoming ragged..... 


I saw myself.... around seven years old..... my body was bruised and I was trembling.... I knew it was another nightmare but it felt so odd looking at your self... it hurt so much.... I could see the blood coming out of the newly formed bruises.... I wanted to move to hug my younger self but I couldn't move.... I was frozen at one spot only my eyes can move around..... then I saw the woman I hated the most in this world... the woman who ruined my life and made me this pathetic.. my mother..., she entered the room and I can see the sick smile on her face.... her eyes shone evilly as she saw my small and weak self trembling in both fear and pain caused by her....I saw the fear in my seven years old self eyes.... I saw the silent pleading to be saved and protected.... I so wanted to protect that small child but I can't move..... I could feel all the pain all the emotions and it was driving me crazy..,, I wanted to close my eyes to end this suffering but I can't.... I wanted this unwanted dream to end but I can't do it....... then my mom suddenly dragged my younger self out and I followed even though I didn't want to...,, I saw the fire burning on the stove and the memories came crashing..... I remembered the burning pain..... the smell of my flesh burning... my cries.... my moms evil laugh.... I remembered everything..... I didn't want to go through it again..,, why me.... why was the God so cruel to make me go through this pain again..... I begged him to stop it... I begged God to help me to take me out to stop this dream.... I begged someone to help me ..... please drag me out I don't want it..... it hurts so bad.... I'm scared..., please someone help me I beg of you..., save me.... 

and then I felt like someone was calling my name..... desperately.... I never felt so happy in my entire life.... for the first time my prays were answered..... I still can't breathe and my body it hurts....  but the voice kept calling me and I felt myself falling in a deep peaceful slumber .


By now everyone was awake because of jungkook's panicked voice.... and they all saw why he was panicked.,.. taehyung was lying there covered in sweat... his body trembling and his breathing ragged.... he was crying and mumbling words and anyone could tell he was having a nightmare..... 

jungkook:: what should I do Jin hyung he isn't breathing normally.... and his fever his high again... I think he is having a nightmare..... please tell me what to do

Jin:: yah  calm down.... just keep calm and try to wake him up.... 

Jungkook did what Jin told him to.... he tried waking taehyung up but it wasn't working and the younger boy's condition was getting worse but Jin told him to keep on trying.... that's what he did... and now he was a practically shaking taehyung to get him to wake up or show some response.... and finally after like forever he did...he tried opening his eyes and then he did open them... there was so much fear and pain in his eyes ..... and he flinched away from the touch and then his eyes closed again and he went limp and everyone freaked out.... Jin called 911 for help cause taehyung wasn't breathing properly and they all were freaking out.... the operater told them to make him sit and then try again to wake him up ... 

jungkook with great care sat taehyung up and hugged him so he won't fall and then he started rubbing circles on his back trying his best to calm him down..... he kept calling his name and telling him to breathe and that everything was fine.... jungkook could tell that taehyung's body was tense but he was relaxing bit by bit... his breathing getting better and after like 10 minutes he was almost back to normal... everyone noticed that taehyung was now clutching on to jungkook's shirt as if his life depends on it.... the medics who came to help tried to take his hands off of the shirt but taehyung started whimpering and they decided to leave him to be.... his fever was still high so they gave him some medicine and after seeing that everything was fine they left.... after some time jungkook decided to lay taehyung bank down carefully but taehyung was still clutching on to him and it kind of amused everyone cause jungkook was not one for any kind of closeness .... after he succeeded to lay him down jungkook decided to stay by taehyung's side cause the later was still not letting him go... as they all watched the now sleeping taehyung clutching on to jungkook they felt like they can break through his walls... this showed that the younger needed someone to depend on and even though he was doing it while not being conscious of it they felt like they can make him trust them ..... and with these thoughts they all went back to sleep one by one...

Hello all and the ones who are reading it... thnx for reading and showing support.... love u all

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