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It's been a month since the accident and BTS was still trying hard to befriend taehyung.....

Taehyung didn't know what to do.... he found it annoying.... he thought they were doing it out of pity... or that they were doing it because they don't want the secret of how it happened to be out... because they don't want people to know who was behind it,... and all this made him even more annoyed.. this was not the only reason though... other people at school have also noticed how hard the popular guys were trying to get taehyung's attention... and all these efforts and in return of that taehyung 's cold attitude.. it had pissed a lot of people..

Some thought he was being plain rude to BTS ... that he who was nothing was trying to show attitude to the great BTS... who all adore.. others thought that it was his way to grab attention.. to be popular.. as they have come to know that he was an orphan.. they thought he wanted status and popularity that's why he is playing hard to get.. they thought he rejected other people just because of these stupid reasons and they took it all as an act... 

taehyung didn't give a damn to anything.. he ignored it all Cauz he didn't want a drama in his life.. but those popular guys were trying there best.. even though unconsciously.. but they were making his school life hell.., he knew well what people thought.. he sometimes heard them whisper too... he was trying to ignore but some times people went a bit far...  and they knew that taehyung can hear... like they will say..

" who does he think he is... bloody low class"

" how dare he.... don't he know his place... I really wanna punch his face... orphan!! Huh "

" you know he is orphan right.... yeah lived his life in a orphanage.... then why he's trying to get bts attention.. I mean why is bts actually paying attention to that low class.,, I think he's trying to fit in by grabbing hold on the big fish...,, bloody loser """"

All these things were pilling up and taehyung was hurt... he had seen enough in his life and this was the one normal thing he wanted and bts was ruining it all and he hated them for that... 

the only outlet he had was soccer... his wounds were all almost healed and he was allowed to play soccer and he was more than happy for that... the hard practice make him forget everything happening around and he looked forward to that even though he had to see those six irritating boys but still he loved it.. he had missed a lot of training sessions but still he caught up real quick because of his hardworking nature and it amazed both bts and the coach... he was actually pretty awesome to be a new player... seeing the potential the coach has started paying more attention to him..he will tell taehyung small tips to better his play and to his surprise taehyung will follow them all perfectly... coach lee was truly amazed by the boys ability... seeing his hard work he decided to put his name in the list of final players for the eagles..... 

bts was happy for the boy but on the other hand some seniors and other players were not happy at all by this decision... they thought it was stupid... and the thing that make them more angry was taehyung 's attitude which they thought was super rude Cauz he never talked to anyone and he always greeted by a single nod or a hello... and they really wanted to teach him a lesson for that... to let him know his place and the funny thing was.. taehyung knew it all.. and he was sick and tired of all this drama but on the same time he didn't want to give up,. Not this school not the things that he loved to do Cauz he was not a coward ...... 

Finally it was lunch hour after a long and tiring day,,..and for the first time in a long time taehyung was feeling hungry so he decided to go grab a sandwich real quick and go to some secluded place to have some peace in this chaotic life but all his plans for peace and silence were ruined when he entered the cafe... he could feel the hurtful stares and he could hear the hurtful comments... but he wanted to show them all that it meant nothing to him so he decided to eat his lunch in the cafe in front of all these people and tell them he is not running away and that he doesn't give a damn... it was new to all Cauz in the 4 months of him being here he had never once eaten in here ...he could feel the gazes so he just decided to finish the sandwich quickly and leave Cauz it was all getting on his nerves...

On the other hand bts was totally oblivious to the things going on ... blame it on there lack of connection and communication with other people around Cauz they were just focused on there little circle ... so when they saw taehyung in the cafeteria they decided to go sit with him and try once more Cauz they all specially jungkook didn't know how to give up... so they all took there stuff and made there way to taehyung's table... taehyung felt the movement around him as he was distracting himself by reading a book... he looked up and mentally cursed... he hated these boys who were totally oblivious to the pain he was going through because of them... people,,, just give pain... it was taehyung's theory and everyone was proving him correct.,,and this all was driving him to the edge... he could burst out any moment but he calmed himself down .....

As NTS were making there way to taehyung's table jungkook felt the stares ..., he had been feeling like something was going on around the school and the soccer club and a whisper that made its way to his ear proved him right....

" I didn't knew bts will pay this much attention to a low life like him.., what happened to these guys... that jerk is getting on my nerves "

Jungkook felt angry.... even though taehyung was not there friend yet they still thought him as one of them... he now realised what they have been putting taehyung through... how hurt he may feel by this all even though he wasn't at fault... 

finally they reached the table taehyung was sitting on... he seemed to be immersed in the book but then he suddenly looked up... his eyes showed a mix of emotions... anger, annoyance, hurt.. but then he changed back to the blank expression which still amazed jungkook that how he changes his reaction in a mere second.... after sparing them just one glance taehyung went back to what he was doing..,, they all sat down around him and Jin was the first to break the silence...

Jin:: hey .. how are you doing now... are you feeling good

Taehyung looked up with one of his eyebrows raised and then came the short simple answer before he went back to what he was doing.. 

taehyung:: yes

Jin:: good... I see you are really good in soccer... for how long have you been playing.. coach lee said that you will make a great forward..

Taehyung can feel the stares and he was getting annoyed... he was already at the edge because of the comments and attitudes of people.... he wanted to leave before he burst.. he didn't want to create a scene... so he decided to give a short answer and then leave...

Taehyung:: never played before... I will leave now.. excuse me

And with that he stood up to leave...but Jin grabbed his wrist real quick which made taehyung flinch and he glared back at Jin freeing his wrist from the unwanted hold... taehyung hated being touched by people... Jin seemed to notice it but decided to let it go for now... 

Jin:: hey sit down for a while.., we want to be friends with you... let's talk a bit more and try to know each other better.,,, so..

But he was cut off by taehyung..... this was making him angry... all the hurtful comments were coming back to his head .. making his head hurt..... he wanted it all to stop.... why him.. what has he done to deserve there hate.... he despised people.... and now even more...he stared at  the six guys for a while and then spoke in a voice loud enough for the people around to hear as well... his voice layered with anger... it came out as a low cold hiss.,

Taehyung:: why do you.. the great BTS want to be friends with a bloody low life jerk like me... sorry to say but people think you will lower your standard.., so please for your dear friends who care for you all so much... leave me alone... I don't want anything to do with you...

And with that he left..... every one had there mouths open... bts were dumbfounded... they knew nothing to do anymore...

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