chap# 21

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The boys were having fun partying..... There was music , alcohol and the most important thing .. The friends... They were having the time of there lives and they deserved it too cauz they have just won a national level tournament..... They were having so much fun that they forgot about everything else.....

It was now around 4 in the morning and the alcohol was starting to get out of there system that's when there teammate said something that jerked them back to there senses....

Guy:: I feel really bad for what we did today.... As team mates and seniors we shouldn't have

Jimin:: what do you mean by that..

Guy:: I'm talking about how we all treated taehyung today..... It wasn't his fault that he couldn't move around in the field it was because he was immobilized by the other team.... But all of us blamed it on him.... We forgot his previous games and that he is so young and new to this all and we blamed it all on him... I really want to apologize but I couldn't seem to find him at all and no one else has seen him either since we left the field....

Jin:: oh shit shit shit

Jung kook:: shit hyung ...   How can we forget about him.... We promised him hyung....

Jin:: I know kook I know.... We really don't deserve to be his hyungs...

Jung kook:: (checking time) shit its 5:45 now... Its  been like 10 hours since we last saw him... He don't even know this city hyung.... You know how he is... What if .. What if something happened to him hyung... I'm gonna go find him...

Namjoon :: we all are coming ... Don't worry he will be fine....

Jin:: I can just hope for that....

And after that they all left and went straight to the hotel which took them almost an hour and a half and when they reached there it was almost 7:15 am... They all were so anxious to see there youngest member.... They all were thinking of ways for asking forgiveness and to gain his trust back cauz they all knew how hard it was for Tae  to open up and trust them.... It took them 6 months .... They were all so worried so they rushed quickly toward the elevator and got in.... When they reach there floor they practically ran to the room shared by jimin,  Jung kook and taehyung  .... They rushed to open the door and when they went inside it was empty.... There was no signs of tae  anywhere... They looked through the bathroom , balcony but tae  was no where... The only signs that showed taehyung ever came here was the made up room and some blood coated tissues in the bin... And it made them more worried.... As they were thinking of what to do , all of there phones dinged at the same time showing that they got a text ... They wanted to ignore it but then jungkook was the one who checked his phone first cause his gut feeling told him too .... It was a text from tae ... And reading it made him relax a bit but still worried especially the last line cauz knowing tae  .. He was not someone to tell his feelings so randomly... There was something wrong.. Like really wrong and by looking at the faces of others he knew all the others were feeling the same too...

Tae's text::

'' sorry hyungs for leaving like that... I just got a call from my orphanage and I had to go there ... Don't worry too much... You can go visit your parents and if you still want then I will join you guys there...

Hyungs you know that I love you guys soo  much right... ''

As they settled down jungkook  noticed his cam on the center table ... He remembered he put it on charging after filming them having fun on the beach... He got it and packed it too...

After much discussion they left for there parents house feeling guilt and a strange gut feeling telling them that they are missing something....


He was sleeping peacefully when he got dragged into a horrible nightmare. He saw himself being dragged and punched on.. He saw his hyungs there eyes full of hatred and disgust... He saw his mom telling him again how worthless , useless and unimportant he was... And the most horrible part was when his hyungs told him the same things his mom used to tell him... It was painful for him so much that he wanted it to stop... He felt his chest constrict with pain and he couldn't breath at all... But the nightmare won't go even though he begged to everyone to stop and for someone to help ... But he got no answer... After some long painful minutes he woke up breathing hard ... His face was full of tears and his body drenched in sweat... He felt disgusted by himself.. And he was glad someone was going to take this painful life away soon .... at least he hoped for that... He was not a coward he was just so tired that he wanted to rest now...

He checked the time .. It was around 6:30 so he got up.. Took another shower... Dressed up... Wrote a quick text.... Saw the address again and then he put the phone in the bag which had gifts in it and then before he left he said some words to the empty room... Words he so wanted to tell his hyungs  and then he left.... For not to return back ever again... 


It was Christmas eve and they had tried every possible way to get in contact with Tae but the calls won't get answered same with the texts... And it was only increasing there worries cauz he was gone for almost two days now and there was no news about him.... They didn't even knew which city and which orphanage he came from and they again felt ashamed of how less they knew about the guy they all declared there little brother.... The person they vowed to love and protect....

Just to get distracted they decided to see the footage they got on JunKook's cam  not knowing that there this decision will leave them drowning in guilt, self hatred and shame... And that they didn't deserve the guy named Kim Taehyung....

I'm back guys ...... Hope you like it.... Just two more chapters to go...

And I will like to thank all the people who read it... Ghost or not ... I just love the fact you guys read it... Love u all fellas... Bye

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