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As they entered the school gate the sight of a specific person ruined there mood.... It was none other than taehyung .... Yoongi cursed out loud and as soon as jin parked the car he was out and after the said male.... He was wearing a black hoodie and that way he was easily recognisable in the crowd..... Yoongi lurched forward followed by jungkook and jimin .... Others following right behind.... He reached behind taehyung and turned him around holding his wrist.... The said male visibly flinched by the sudden touch but went back to blank expression in less than a second which really amazed them all... And then without warning yoongi punched him in the side making the guy hiss in pain but other than that he showed no expression... There was nothing on his face ... He changed his expression from pain to blank in a second and it pissed yoongi more.... And then he asked out of no where with a blank face...

Taehyung:: are you done or you want more cauz I have a class and I'm running late....

And with that he was gone.... Leaving a dumbfounded bts behind.... When everyone registered what happened it made yoongi's blood boil in anger... And everyone knew that the new guy has dug his own grave.... But jungkook was amazed.... And confused.... This guy was surely different and was a mystery ... He really wanted to know him more...

Taehyung was not feeling good... His whole body hurt and he had a fever which was rising by way he felt his body getting hot but he was not gonna miss school for such a small thing... It was actually nothing to him... So he just put his black hoodie on which he loved and left for school... He was almost in his class when he was stopped and turned around and he found those popular guys behind him... One of them who was holding his wrist was staring dagger's at him and then he punched him... Right on the spot that hurt the most from his old injuries.... He felt pain surge through his body but he was not the one to cower so he turned his face blank showing no expression of pain or fear... When on the inside he was afraid of the guys and the pain... Then he asked them if they are done so that he can go.... And he just left praying that they won't follow ... Not right now... Cauz he was starting to feel sick...

It was the biology class and taehyung didn't like it that much... And he was also not feeling well as his stomach hurt alot because of the punch... He distracted himself by looking out of the window watching the small sparrows play in the small puddle of water.... It made him relaxed and kind of forget about his pain.... He was so angrossed in them that he didn't knew  his teacher was calling for his attention and he only came to realise it when someone tapped his shoulder which brought him back to class only to find out that the whole class was watching him with angry looks... Including the two guys from that stupid group.... They had smirks on there faces and it irritated him even more... Then suddenly the teacher asked him why he wasn't paying attention and he retorted that he was... That's when the teacher lost it and told him to come upfront... She was teaching them the structure and function of heart.. There was also a drawing of somewhat ugly heart on the board was also labeled.... He only had a minute to look at it as the teacher rubbed it off... She gave him the marker and told him to draw and label the diagram as in to prove that he was paying attention... It pissed him off...he can see from the corner of his eyes the smirks the kids have.... It was there chance to tease the boy for his arrogant behavior but he turned around a bit and smiled.....

Taehyung:: (to the teacher) are you sure.... Cauz if I do draw it and that will be in less than 2 minutes... Then you will let me leave the class.... Cauz its so boring in here... And I don't like biology...

He knew he was not like that but right now he can do anything to get out of this boring class and get some rest before the practice... Even if that means acting arrogant and a bit disrespectful cauz he wasn't in his best mood and best health to worry that much about it.... So he looked at his now a bit flustered teacher his eyebrows raised as he waited for her answer....

Teacher:: deal.... But I know you can't do it... It took me around 6 minutes to draw and label it when I had the drawing in front of me... But OK as you wish and  if you can't do it then be ready for punishment for your behavior.. Anyone who can come upfront and time Mr Taehyung...

Suddenly Jungkook rose from his seat a smile on his face... I will do it.... He didn't knew why but he wanted taehyung to win in it... So he came up laughing lightly when he saw taehyung frown in distaste.... But he ignored it and counted to 3 before starting the timer....

And everyone including the teacher had there mouths hanging open when taehyung did finish the diagram under two minutes and it was 100 times a lot better than the one drawn before.... It was perfectly labeled.... And the guy who drew it put the marker down went to his seat took his bag and went out of the class not even waiting for permission... Everyone was in awe... They knew he was a genius but what just happened no one can understand.... He clearly wasn't looking when the teacher was teaching... His book was not even out.... Then how the hell did he do this... The teacher was still in shock so jungkook took the book and compared it and it amused him to no limit that there was not even a single or slight mistake... It was perfect.... This made him even more curious about the guy who was becoming More and more mysterious....

It was lunch and after that was practice as  it was Friday..... Jimin was rambling on about what happened in the class and he was not the only one.... Everyone seemed to be on the same topic... They all stopped and stared when taehyung came in... Taehyung not liking the feeling of it quickly grabbed a sandwich and milk and left the cafeteria....

After much they all gathered up for practice.... That was the first time some of the bts members noticed how pale taehyung looked but no one cared to ask as they were still angry..
Then coach Lee came and he told taehyung to run 20 laps before coming back and joining the training.. This made yoongi more pissed cauz they were running 20 laps everyday and he just get to do it once.. He tried to protest but was told to shut up..

On the other hand taehyung was running the laps as he was told and after each lap he felt more sick and his vision was becoming blurry.. But he kept on running and finally finished it... But he was sweating a lot... No one cared to ask because they all thought it was because of the weather and the running he had done.. Then they started practice and he gave his all in it... Once when he staggered jin asked him if he was fine and he just stared back and giving a single nod....

After the practice was done they all returned to the locker rooms.. All but taehyung and bts.... As soon as everyone was out of sight yoongi told the guy to follow him... And he did.. He had a small tired smile on his face cauz he knew what was coming but he was not in the mood or state for it cauz he was feeling like he might pass out....

They went to the back of the school and suddenly yoongi turned around an angry expression on his face......

I hope u guys like it... Do leave feed back

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