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Jin was the first to wake up in the morning..... The first thing he did was to check the time and it was around 11 am now..... He decided to wake everyone  and then make breakfast...... Slowly after like 20 minutes of trying he was successful to wake everyone up without waking taehyung in the process..... He checked on taehyung and he still had a high fever ..... Jin decided to wake him up later to feed him some food and medicine......

They all got up and went down.... Jin made the simple breakfast scrambled eggs with bread and tea..... They all were done eating in no time ....

Jin:: I'm gonna warm the soup ... Jimin and jungkook you guys go and wake taehyung up OK

Jimin:: hyung let him sleep for a while

Jin:: no jimin wake him... His fever is still very high and he need some food and medicine to get better .... Now go and wake him

Jimin nodded in understanding and went up stairs followed by jungkook... what they weren't expecting was a taehyung curled up in the corner of the bedroom with tears rolling down his cheeks and silent sobs shaking the boy's whole body...... his face was flushed red because of the fever and also the crying...,,, when he heard the door open he tried to go back further in the wall as his cries intensified and he started begging to be saved.... one sentence made there blood run cold.... now they knew who was the one responsible for his old scars.... his mother.... and they couldn't believe it.... jungkook noticed how taehyung's breath was getting heavier .... they didn't knew what to do.... Jimin ran outside to call for help from the older ones.... they all came rushing in and this made taehyung's situation more worse.... it was clear to them that he wasn't concious..... and Jin instantly knew that he was going into a panic attack..... Jin has known the symptoms because of his sister so he told everyone to move back and he moved slowly towards taehyung.....

Jin:: tae it's ok I'm gonna help you alright..,, I'm not gonna hurt you ok... here come on look at me please 

And the only response he got was wimpers and vague sentences from the younger in between his efforts to breathe... and everyone in the room now knew and they were shocked just as Jimin and jungkook.... taehyung was pleading his mom to let him go, to not hurt him.... he was crying and begging to be spared to be saved.... and everyone's hearts clenched at his painful cries... they have never seen the younger so vulnerable before..... he looked so fragile and small right now and everyone was blaming themselves for not trying to help  the younger before...: for not saving him from the bullies and for adding more pain and suffering to his life..... they never knew he was this broken .... finally taehyung looked up.... his eyes had so much fear and so much pain in it ..... they held the plea to be saved and helped ....

Jin kept on moving slowly towards the small kid in the corner..... he kept on saying soothing words and they did have an effect on him cause he finally looked up and the look on his face and in his eyes made his heart hurt.... suddenly taehyung spoke and his words broke there hearts.... they so wanted to protect this kid....

Taehyung:: won't hurt me.... you will save me.... my mom don't tell her... she will hurt me more.... you won't hurt me .... promise....

Jin:: I promise I won't hurt you..... I won't tell your mom ok .... let me help you

 taehyung's breath was uneven now..... and he was trying to breathe but failing at it... Jin reached out to him slowly and hissed when his hand touched taehyung's hand.... he was burning....... Jin quickly went close to him and hugged him....he felt the boy tense up more so he started  running comforting circles on his back and telling him to breathe slowly.... he also told the scared boy that he was safe and no one will hurt him... he kept on telling him to breathe slowly and it seemed to work ..... Jin could feel taehyung relaxing in his arms.... his breathing becoming normal... his body was still shaking and a sob left his mouth every now and then but he was getting better.... Jin moved the boy to his lap cause he felt him going limp ..... and the boy didn't protest but he actually snuggled into Jin gripping his shirt more tightly.... Jin told namjoon to get the car ready cause they were taking  taehyung to the hospital..... 

they all wanted to go but Jin told them otherwise... he told them to stay home and that they will be back soon.... the doctor checked taehyung... he gave him an injection to help lower the fever and also put an IV on to keep him hidrated..... he told them that they could take him home after the IV finished...: so after an hour they brought taehyung back home... his fever was a lot better now and he was sweating... Jin changed his clothes and cleaned his body with a wet towel to make him feel a bit refreshed .... after like an hour or so they all felt him waking up...  he slowly opened his eyes and they all saw what his eyes held.... they held confusion in them then some pain and fear and then they were blank ..... hollow.... like dark pit holes.... they held nothing but emptiness and hollowness in them... devoid of all emotions and this hurt the olders a lot .... they now knew his pain his fear but still they didn't know how to make it go..... but they were determined to do so at all costs.... and they were starting it from today even if the boy in front of them wanted it or not cause he was there little brother.....

Taehyung opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room and what shocked him and confused him more were the worried faces of the people he wanted to avoid at all costs..... but the look of relief that washed on there faces seeing him waking up was something he had never seen before..... the way they were looking at him with so much affection and care was new and foreign to him... he was never loved or cared for and never in his life he had seen someone looking at him with any expression other then hate or loathing... it made his heart beat in a good way not because of fear... it made his breath hitch not because of fear but because of an unknown emotion....he don't know why but he wanted to hug them ....  he wanted them to love him to take care of him... but he cannot show them that or they will leave him too like his dad and if they knew how messed up he is they will probably hate him and don't like him anymore..... but his heart was saying to trust them just this once.... he was so confused to what to do or say so he decided to leave it for now..... he wanted to be cared for once in his life... he wanted to see how it feels....

Ok here it is ... the new chap..... finally 

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