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Its been almost a month now since taehyung started getting bullied by his seniors..... he was getting tired of this all... his body and his mind both were at there limits.... nothing was going good right now... his night mares were back full on... his panic attacks were also back... he would wake up at nights drenched in sweat panting finding it hard to breath,..feeling like as if someone had him in a choke hold.... it will take him hours to get get back to normal but on the other hand he was happy he wasn't getting attacks while in School while getting bullied or hearing all the bullshit people were talking about... ... but now they were getting worse.. both his nightmare and his panic attacks... because of this in the last whole week he has gotten less than 20 hours of sleep and he feels like shit if he might die...

to get his mind off of all the things going on in his life he had even tried to get drunk.... yes he is under age and yes he is not a coward but this all is getting to much to bear for his young brain and body....... he had found the alcohol in a cabinet .. it belonged to the two guys that lived with him..... he just wanted to get it all off of his mind for just one day.... he was too tired... he just wanted to get everything off his mind and just rest and get drunk .... the emptiness and loneliness was eating him up but to his disappointment he figured out he wasn't getting drunk when he finished his third bottle.... he felt helpless...

Do you know how it feels to be all alone.. the emptiness inside you eating you all... with all the constant pain and loneliness it creates a void inside your heart.... it's like a hole that's keeps on getting bigger and bigger... nothing to fill it up... no light no hope but just darkness inside... you don't even know where to lean on..... you don't know who to trust Cauz this is all caused by the ones who the world call as your loved ones.. isn't it ironic.... the hole , it keeps on getting bigger and so does the pain and the emptiness.... your heart becomes like a dark room with no windows or doors....

this was all that taehyung was feeling.... his pain was getting out of his control.... there was so much darkness inside that it was suffocating him... the loneliness and the emptiness inside was driving him crazy.... he craved a shoulder to lean on... he craved care ... love .. attention..... but he was afraid of trusting people.... he despised them greatly.... they have always hurt him.... he knew that with attachments came pain and hurt and he had no more strength left to deal with it... but he wanted to trust people again... he wanted someone to come and fill the hole ... to take away the pain he was in... to give him some hope and light to move on... he wanted someone to hold him up ... to catch him before he fall too deep that he loose the little bit of sainity he was left with..... he wanted someone to hear his pleas.....

The answer to his pain and his hate to people was not that simple and pleasant....

He wasn't wanted when he came into this world... his mother never wanted him to be born... she loved her husband way too much to share that love even if it meant sharing it with there children... on the other hand his dad was estatic to know that he was coming into this world... so for the sake of her husband she let him come into this world but she never loved him not even cared.., her husband tried to put some sense into to her but to no avail... he was just loved by his father he remembers that much and he was happy with that much.... his father was happy to find out that his son was special.... that he wasn't like the other kids... that he was smarter and more mature compared to his age..,, actually they start to notice it when he turned two... his father dialed a number to order some food and he was sitting in his lap... when his father ended the call and went to kitchen to get something he heard him talking to someone on the phone... he first thought it was just like all the kids play but when he repeated there order and added the drink he liked that's when he knew it was not just a kids play... he made him dial that number again and he did it perfectly.... to make it more clear his dad tried to make him do a lot of stuff like telling him a random number and then h tell him to repeat it.... and stuff... his father was elated... so he started giving him more and more attention and that pissed his mother beyond there imagination...

it was his 3rd birthday and his dad wanted to do something meaningful for him... he remembered it all too clearly... he went out to do some arrangements but he never came back instead a call came in telling them that he died in an accident.... and after that day .. hell broke loose on him.... taehyung's mom out all the blame on him... she cursed him ... she told him he was a demon and a cursed child who made his father die.... she told him that he is the reason that she lost the only person she loved and cared in this entire world... he was just a kid back then... he was mature then his age but still he was a kid and all this scared his mind and soul... and to top it off his mother started to physically and mentally abuse him.... she will lock him up in dark room without food and anything for hours and some times days... she will beat him up with a whip and sometimes a stick... and if that was not much she will burn his skin or cut it... his cries and pain gave her satisfaction... this went on for 5 years... he was almost 7 by that time when he first begged his mother to just kill him because the pain was too much for him to take... she told him that he had to suffer.. she won't make it easy on him by killing him cause he had caused her so much pain by taking her husband away... she told him that his pain gives her pleasure...

it was all too much for his young mind and body...he was too weak to run away cause he wasn't feed well .. he was so small and weak for his age...his whole body was bruised and so was his heart his mind and his soul...he wanted to die so that he can escape this hell this pain... he begged to God to have mercy on him .. he begged to his mom ... but no one listened... his little mind couldn't cope with the fact that why he was so hated on... why no one even the God , cared... why no one replied to his cries for help... he once read some where that God hears his every creature... but why he wasn't hearing him out... then he figured that like people God also don't care... that God also hated him... so he stopped... he stopped crying and pleading.. he stopped asking for this pain this punishment to end.... he closed his heart that day... now he no longer felt the pain his mom put him through....

then one day his mom dragged him out of the dark room he was locked in for 2 days and and he noticed there was a rope hanging from the ceiling... she told him that she was done with him... he was happy to hear that... then she told him that she was gonna go meet her loved now ... and she told him to watch... she was a messed up woman..,, she abused him for the last time... she hit him so much that he almost passed out but she told him to watch and due to the fear he watched as she hung herself ....

he couldn't take his eyes off of her.. he lifeless body swung around... he was numb ... and then his world became black.... and the next thing he remember was waking up in a hospital bed ....

That's the reason why he hated people cause he thought that they will hurt him like his mother... that women who was supposed to teach him how to love and to give him love .. due to her own selfish reasons did so much damage to him that it was not impossible but it was hard to clear the damage.... would he ever be able to be normal... that's what he thought but the answer came right away..... he was once again living through that hell and this time it was totally breaking him apart...

Hope you guys like it....

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