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I decided that I  will let them do whatever they want for a day or two until I  can move.... And this decision was taken after my  three failed tries to leave the house and the guys whom I was stuck with.... I haven't eaten in days and all the beatings and the damn fever had made me  so weak that I  was unable to move on my own.... When I  woke up and saw the faces of bts I  was so confused but then the next thing I  did was trying to sit up and leave but I  ended up falling face forward and had to be helped to move back to the bed... The guy with big shoulders I guess his name was jin ... Yeah he was acting like he was my mom ... He kept on scolding me when ever I tried to move and leave... He even tried to feed me porridge and I hate porridge.... But he kept on insisting that I have to eat it.... I don't want too... Why won't they give me what I want to eat.... They said they want to take care of me and they will listen to me and will do everything I want ...... I want fries .... Why won't they give it to me..... I don't trust them....

Aah I don't know why I'm behaving like a kid.... I should keep my distance from them.... I shouldn't trust them... What if they hurt me like my mom did.... But I also want to trust them... I also want to be cared for ..... to be spoiled.... To be loved ..... I guess that is the reason why I'm behaving like this.... I don't know but I feel relaxed around them... I feel safe... I feel like they won't hurt me .... They will care for me.... Speaking of that.... I want fries.... Why can't I have them.....

Caring for Taehyung was just like taking care of a small scared child who is too stubborn to accept it..... bts were now facing a new but totally adorable yet a bit stubborn taehyung..... when he first woke up his eyes and face showed confusion  and some fear and the first thing he did was trying to leave... bts have expected that... but they didn't expect him to be too weak to move..... he was so weak that he fell the moment he stood up and jungkook and Jin had to be quick to catch him and move him back to the bed.... but he did the same thing two more times until he decided that he was tired and weak enough to not move anymore for the day and that thing made bts sigh in relief.....

Jin:: hey taehyung how are you feeling 

Tae:: ok I guess.... 

Jin:: what will you want to eat

At that question he looked at Jin as he had asked some thing funny or odd but he recovered quick and answered....

Tae:: I don't wanna eat I'm full

Jin:: (yelled a bit) yah how could you be full when you haven't eaten in two days 

Tae:: (flinching a bit yet feeling amazed) how did you know that

Jin:: (cursing) don't tell me you haven't eaten in four days

Tae:: what the hell 

Jin:: language maknae 

Tae:: I'm not your maknae and what did you mean by four days.. isn't it Friday 

Jungkook:: (laughing ) yes you are our maknae... and no it's not Friday it Sunday today... you were out cold for two days... now tell me what do you want to eat... any thing you want

Tae::( still trying to get the situation and also thinking hard)

The flustered and then the thinking expression on taehyung's face made them all smile,.. he looked so adorable just like a small kid ... and it seemed like he was thinking hard on what to eat and finally his answer made them all smile and Jin frown...

Tae:: hmmm I want fries.,, a lot of them... 

Jin::(frowning) no way kid ... you are sick and you haven't eaten ... u have to eat porridge or soup... no fries

Tae::( pouting and looked mad) I won't ... I just want fries..... if not then I'm gonna leave.... I want to go home

Jin:: no way kid

Tae::  I'm not a kid... I'm a man

And his answer made them all laugh out loud.... seeing him arguing with them showed them that he had decided to trust them... that he had decided to open up to them... and this warmed there hearts ..... it felt to them like they have finally taken first step in getting his walls down.... and one thing they all agreed on was... this kid was super adorable and they loved there new little brother... jungkook was the happiest.. he wasn't the maknae anymore and he also had someone to care for and to take care of....   

After arguing like forever taehyung got tired and everyone could see it on his face.... his eyes were getting droopy and Jin took this chance to feed him some soup that he made real quick when they finally managed to lure taehyung in... they got him to agree on soup on the promise that he can get fries after he drinks it... and to their surprise he agreed..... Jin was quick to make it Cauz he can see tae getting  tired but he still needed his food and medicine.... when he came back with the soup taehyung was barely keeping his eyes open... Jin fed him the medicine and soup and to there amazement he fell asleep with the spoon still in his mouth... they all cooed at how cute he looked.... tae was leaning on jungkook this whole time so jungkook got up with caution not to wake the sleeping boy up and they all left the room after tucking him in the bed.... they all were feeling happy with the big achievement they had today.... they never expected it to be this easy... yet they still were ready to work harder to get his full trust... they knew that the boy craved love and attention and they all were willing to give it to him.... it was officially started and they were not gonna backdown now....

Here is a new chapter after a long break.... I know it's a bit lacking but I will try to make the coming chapters more fun... and also thanks everyone for the 200+ reads... keep on reading and giving feedback.. I will truly appreciate that

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