chap# 22

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The day was cold unlike the others... yes it was December but it some how felt more colder today than it usually is.... Taehyung felt broken and exhausted... people again betrayed him and his trust but he himself couldn't believe how deeply he loved his hyungs that he already forgave them for what they did... he was even ready to take hits in their stake to keep them safe....
He knew he wasn't loved and he wasn't important that's why he took this decision... he wanted his hyungs to live peacefully as they have lived before and he will take the pain for them because he was used to that kind of stuff...

After leaving the hotel he flagged down a taxi and told the address to the driver... he made it there in around half an hour... the place was a run down warehouse... the driver saw him with suspicion but let it go and left .... after gathering his withering energy he made his way inside.... it was dark and cold with heaps of debris here and there... as he was walking in he heard shuffling sounds from his left... when he turned around he saw 5 guys making there way towards him.... he didn't know what happened but old Tae came back at that moment... the one who was immune to everything and don't give a fuck.... maybe it was because he knew what ever he will do he won't win so he wanted to at least put up a brave front.... His eyes became cold and a smirk appeared on his face....

The guys did a double take when they saw taehyung's face.... they couldn't believe it was the same sweet and small guy they saw that day and threatened at the game because right now in front of them was the same person but his looks were totally different.... this person look intimidating even though he still was quite small and thin... Taehyung couldn't wait any longer so he decided to ask and get done with whatever these people wanted ...

Tae:: Why did you want to meet me... What do you want?

Guy:: you and your friends brought us shame... because of you we lost our honor and respect in the city... and we are gonna take it back... from you... and in what ever way we like... now tell us where are your friends

Tae:: I told you before and I'm gonna tell you again... do what ever you want to do ... but don't ever drag my hyungs in... (SMIRKING)and if you Insist on doing that then I'm gonna kill you all... mark my words..

Guy:: oh we are scared...

Tae::(a sinister smile appearing on his face) you should be cauz you don't know what I'm  Capable of doing for my brothers

Guy:: hey Jim record it I'm gonna show it to his precious hyungs ... record it all...

Tae:: yeah sure do cauz I'm recording you guys too and if you show the recording to anyone it will go to the police station ... and I think you don't want that... now do you... so do as I say.. use me but don't even think of going near my brothers or I'm gonna come from hell if I have to and make you pay..

Guy:: for a small kid you sure talk a lot  don't you.. Ok tie him up and bring the whips.. I'm gonna beat the shit out of him and then throw him in garbage where he belongs

To say that taehyung wasn't scared was an understatement ... he was scared but he was not willing to show his weakness to these bastards... he was gonna face them alone... he knew he was worthless and of no use to his hyungs... to him this was the only way to repay for the love they gave him... he don't even blame them for there attitude in past some days... he blamed himself for lacking ... for being a burden... and he was not gonna do that again.. he was gonna prove that he can
Do something for his brothers whom he love more than his own life...

The thing that taehyung didn't know was that he was priceless... the best person anyone want to have as a brother son or even lover... he was selfless... that it was not his fault it was the fault of the people who couldn't understand  his worth and what a priceless jewel he was...

But GOD was watching and he was gonna show everyone what they had missed...

Sorry for such a late and a bit of a lame update... I was stuck... still am... but I'm gonna make sure to end this book soon and give you a good and proper ending... love u all

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