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Taehyung:: why do you.. the great BTS want to be friends with a bloody low life jerk like me... sorry to say but people think you will lower your standard.., so please for your dear friends who care for you all so much... leave me alone... I don't want anything to do with you...

And with that he left leaving bts and other people in shock..... the boys didn't know what to do...  they never really cared about taehyung's feelings...: they were just focused on what they want.... they never asked him if he want to join them or not .. they were just pushing it on him.... they knew nothing to do Cauz they have no answers to his questions..: why they wanted to befriend him all of a sudden... they never knew what he was going through... they felt bad and decided to go talk to him in a calm manner... 

Taehyung was so angry... he was so done and tired.... why does people never thought about him... he was human too... as he was walking by the gym he was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and pushed to the wall with a hard impact..: he hissed with the sudden pain... he looked up to see who it was and it was the seniors from the soccer club... he immediately knew what they were gonna do to him... and he readied himself and just glared at them....

Senior 1:: oh who we have here huh... mighty Kim Taehyung.... yea who are you glaring at.... no one taught you manners how to respect a senior...

Senior 2::: yea what do you expect from him .... dogs like him who just wander around without there masters or leash are not tamed.... just like this orphan... it's not his...

And he was cut off by the sound of a chuckle.... it was taehyung... he had have enough.... he was hurting already because of the hurtful comments and stuff and now this shit... how much more dose he have to take for them all to leave him alone... he was right... people just know how to hurt.. how to give pain...the people who thought that they can find comfort in other persons were just delusional fools... 

senior 1:: yea what is so funny huh... 

taehyung:: a dog without leash calling another one the same and trying to teach him manners... don't you find it funny... well I do..

And with that the seniors lost there minds... they wanted to teach this rude brat a lesson... so they kicked and punched him in his stomach and sides.. but they were being cautious to not hit in visible spots... to there surprise taehyung never once uttered a sound from his mouth... which made them more angry... but they had to stop Cauz the person on lookout told them that someone was coming this way... as they were about to leave they heard taehyung laugh again...

Taehyung:: hmmm you got just this much guts... I mean you should flip Cauz you are not even good in game ... you must feel self pity right..: you feel like you are smaller than a freshman right... and you thought well beating him up he will give up and you will get the place in team without effort right... but bad news... I'm not afraid of this shit... you can try as much as you want but I will play... make some effort hyungs... if you want that much to get respect and a place in team... excuse me now I have a practice to go to... 

and with that he left leaving the others dumbfounded... 

senior 2:: yea he is not normal 

Senior 1:: then I will make him... let's see who wins.. let's see how long can he take it..

As they were leaving bts approached them.... Jungkook noticed Taehyung leaving and how he was limping a bit...

Jungkook:: what did you do to him

Senior 1:: who?? Oh that orphan.. Nothing much... Just showed him his place.... Don't tell me you guys are serious in becoming his friends... He's not worth it... That piece of

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