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Yoongi turned around with a angry and pissed off expression on his face and the he punched taehyung right in his stomach making the guy double over in pain.... He punched him again then again and he don't know how many times before he was stopped by jin...

Jin:: yeah yoongi its enough... You have done enough.... End it here and don't make it a big deal....

Then he turned towards taehyung who was looking paler then before and asked if he was OK and the guy just laughed in response....

Taehyung knew it was going to happen and when he was getting punched he don't know why but his mind went to the past..... His painful and horrible past which he had tried so hard to bury and this guy has brought it back .... He was angry but was too weak to do anything.... And when someone asked if he was OK .. It was totally new to him.... So he just laughed... Then he coughed and some blood came out.... His body was hurting.... And it was getting hard to bear it but he was not a Coward and he wanted the bullies to know that... That he was not afraid... So he tried and stood up looking them in the eyes... Then he heard his own voice.. Low and deadly as a sneer appeared on his face....

Taehyung:: you done.... Is this the best you got... This is nothing for me cauz I have gone through much more... So if this is your best then never try it again... Cauz next time u might feel sorry... Cauz it was my fault this time for ditching ... Next time I won't stop either... So be ready...

With that he turned around to leave but before he can do that he heard a shout and then he felt a punch in his face which he was not ready for... It made him stumble and he fell his head hitting something hard and then he blacked out.....


After yoongi has punched the guy many times he was stopped by jin who looked angry and disappointed.. As he was telling yoongi off the beaten up boy stood up with much effort and when jin asked if he was ok... He just laughed in the answer making them all question his sanity.... Then he coughed blood.. That's when they all noticed including yoongi that how pale he was... And how much he was sweating... It was not normal... His breathing was a bit ragged too...

But then his face changed into a sneer and when he spoke they all felt goosebumps... His voice was low and dangerous.... He told them off.. He wasn't afraid at all and he asked them if that was the best they got... When he said that he has been through much more and this isn't anything big for him they all believed him cauz of his tone and the stare he was giving... Even yoongi was intimidated ..... But when he threatened them that's when yoongi lost it... He had a very bad temper ... So before anyone can react and even before yoongi himself knew he has reached taehyung turned him around and punched him in the face getting the guy off guard which made him fall back his head hitting the corner of the stairs before he fainted...
It happened so fast that no one knew how to react.... There was blood coming out of taehyung's head.... The first one to react was jungkook .... He ran to taehyung's side getting his shirt off and pressing it against his head to stop the bleeding and his shirt soon turned red with the boys blood.... He touched his face and hissed... The guy was burning up.. His breathing getting ragged.... He yelled on the frozen guys to do something.... To call help... Jin was the next one to react... He rushed towards taehyung... Jungkook lifted the boy up and he was astonished at how light the boy was.... Jin pressed the shirt on his wound and they rushed him to the school's infirmary hoping that someone was still there....

Yoongi was frozen at his spot... He couldn't comprehend what he has done... He was afraid.... The guy he just punched was bleeding a lot... He wasn't moving... What has that guy done to deserve this... He has lost it again... His temper... His temper was his biggest enemy.... He wasn't this kind of a guy... It was his first time that he hated someone this much without a reason that he has almost killed him.. He didn't knew what to do... He was dragged in the school to the infirmary where they took the bleeding boy... There he was on the bed... He looked so innocent... His shirt was tugged up and he can see a lot of purple bruises on his belly... He felt sick... Of himself... He hated himself.... What was this guys fault... He was thinking those thoughts when jungkook turned towards him eyes furious and it made yoongi cower..

Jungkook::: what have you done.... What have you done hyung.... I told you so many times to keep your temper in check.... That you will harm someone some day and see what you have done... He didn't do anything to receive this all from you... You didn't even ask him... You just attacked... If something happens to him hyung.... Pray that nothing happens... But if something happens I'm not gonna forgive you ever....

The school nurse tried to stop the bleeding but the cut was very deep... So it took him sometime but he ended up stopping it.... Then he told them to call for an ambulance cauz Taehyung has lost a lot of blood and also he had a very high fever ... He needed stitches too... And by the bruises on his body that looked like 2 or 3 days old  he thought that he might have some broken ribs... The thing he and bts can't understand is how he coped with all the pain....

The ambulance arrived and they took taehyung.. jungkook with him in the ambulance and others including sir yook and coach Lee following behind in jin's SUV....

They reached the hospital and taehyung was taken to the emergency room.... They all waited out side.... Yoongi jimin and hoseok crying non stop while namjoon and jin were trying to comfort them.. Jungkook was just pacing around..... He doesn't know why his heart hurt so much.. He hasn't even known the guy for 2 months and has never talked to him... But his heart hurt...

They all waited patiently for a whole hour.... Then they were told that taehyung will need some blood cauz apparently he had another injury before this one which has made him loose blood... And this one made it worse.... He also had 3 broken ribs... Some internal bleeding as well... And his fever was very high... Making his condition a bit critical...

It was fate or luck only jungkook had the same blood type as taehyung so he was the one to give blood... When he entered the room which taehyung was in .... His heart broke.... He looked so pale and so thin now that he wasn't wearing his big hoodie..... He had black circles around his eyes.... But still he looked stunning..... After the blood transfusion they all were allowed to visit taehyung.
His fever was a bit down now and he looked a lot better than before.. As some colour has returned to his skin.... He was still unconscious and doctor said that it will take him 6 to 7 hours to wake up.... So they told them that they can leave .... But no one wanted too.... They were soo guilty...

It had been 3 hours but no one from taehyungs family came so as they were sitting in the room jin asked his teacher if he has informed taes  family and his answer left them all dumbfounded..... And a lot more guilty..... Taehyung was an orphan.... He had no family to worry about him and this made there heart break more... Adding more to there guilt...

I hope you guys like it....

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