Real Guitar Lessons

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058: Real guitar lessons

Maille set the guitar on Shawn's bed and lugged hers out of its case.

"I didn't get you a case." she said. "Figured I could get one tomorrow."

Shawn's eyes widened at the sight of her. She noticed them and smiled inwardly pretending not to see his interest. He was wearing a blue hospital gown this morning, and she wondered why. He told her it was laundry day and they'd taken his clothes.

"Kell's got a whole closet full of clothes. I'll bring you something else tonight after work. That's crazy, you should have more than just one set." Shawn mumbled something about the state not providing more than that. She ignored him. Kids without money and angry about it, usually didn't understand those who did and would use it to their benefit.

Maille had bought an acoustic guitar for him to start with. But she brought a magazine and several easy chord books, and told him an electric one was right around the corner. Shawn was reticent at first, a bit negative, but as she placed the guitar in his arms, and placed his hands and showed him the parts of it, he began to listen intently. So intently he forgot to be belligerent.

They spent hours reviewing chords, holding the guitar, strumming, and singing. After a while, it was clear, that although he wanted to go on, he physically couldn't. Maille had her guitar in her hands as she watched his eyes close.

"Hey Shawn, can I sing for you?" she loved to sing, loved to compose.

"Yeah." he said softly and cracked his eyes just a bit.

Maille was a good guitar player, having learned from her mother and her brother Danny, the now reflexologist that used to have a band. Danny was actually a drummer, but he played other instruments as well. His grandfather, their grandfather, Ray McCaffrey, one of the greatest rock and roll musicians ever, had tutored each of them as they became interested. And the Mann children were all interested. How could they not be with the family so immersed in it?

Maille's voice was her greatest asset. She had a strong wide range, and a lot of training. She was soft now, though, singing a song of her mom's for Shawn. She saw that he was listening, even though when she'd asked him earlier if she could sing he said he didn't care. At least now he was beginning to trust her enough to say yeah. She smiled at the thought.

She practiced several of the songs she was singing for various artists at the studio, and then several Triple M songs, and one of her own. She saw that he'd drifted off and she softly lay her guitar in its case and took the other one from Shawn's unresisting fingers. She laid it atop hers and took the books and the magazine and laid them beside his bed for when he woke up. She would have just enough time to go to Kell's and check the animals and get some clothes before she had to be back to the studio for another session.

When she turned to the door she met the friendly stares of two young men and a young woman who had been listening to her sing. They were obviously employees there. They knew who she was. As she walked out they shook her hand, they said they liked her singing, and what she was doing for Shawn.

"He just needs a little TLC." she said.

"And a pretty girl to give it to him." Said one of the guys, the one who bad followed her clear to the lobby. Maille turned shyly to face him, she hadn't noticed him before, as she didn't really look at most people, being too 'background' herself, she was used to it.

Unlike Kell who looked at everybody and memorized their features and guessed at their occupations and hobbies. This young man was clean cut, taller than her by a good six inches, bigger than Kell by fifty pounds, and his arms boasted well-defined bodybuilder muscles. His blue jacket said he was a CNA, a person who could check patients, give baths, clean rooms, and basically do everything the facility needed.

''Maille Mann." she said to him and stuck out her hand, she hadn't already shook his hand had she?

"Craig Houston." he shook her hand and his grip was strong. He grinned, and his teeth were big and white and perfect His blonde hair was cut very short, but had a little flip in the front over his left eye.

"I--just thought I could help Shawn a bit."

"Oh, you're helping him all right. He's never been this responsive to anyone."

Maille shrugged uncomfortably. "He's just a lonely kid." 

"You have a beautiful voice."

"Thank you. I've had years and years of training. Practically since I was born, maybe before!"

"Are you LDS?" he asked her.

She nodded, "You?"


"You a student then?" She knew there were students from the Y here who worked to put themselves through college.

"Yes. At the Y." he answered.

"I guessed as much." she was starting to run out of things to say, so she turned a bit as if to open the door. "Well, I guess I better get to work."

"Where do you work?"

"Lancashire Studio on 12th. I sing backup for various artists." she opened the door, and Craig held it for her.

"Well, I 'll see you around." he said, and Maille nodded. Then she slipped out the door and felt it whoosh closed behind her. When she looked back. Craig was still standing there and he waved.

Maille got in her car quickly feeling all at once very happy. She'd made Shawn's day, she'd got in some relaxed singing time, and she'd managed to meet a new person. Three good things in one day. A miracle.

And then the thought assailed her.


Tears sprang to her eyes and she had to pull over before she got out of the parking lot. She really missed Myndee. Her sparkle, her wit, her enthusiasm, her sweet voice. Maille put her face in her hands and cried.

Oh, Myndee ...


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