009: Cherry Discovery

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He drove with the window down on his side but not on hers and the window release was on lock so she couldn't roll it down. Maille glanced at him occasionally, and was startled to find he was aware of her glances, and caught her at it by saying "boo:" He grinned, but Maille was suddenly shy, so he took her hand and put it on the gear shift and covered it with his own. They drove not far to one of those kiddy carnival places she'd liked as a young teenager, but hadn't had time to go to in several years.

There were go carts, and bumper boats, mini golf, and a giant slide. Kell got out of the car after one covert look at her, so Maille opened her door and followed him. She still wore no shoes. There was grass and sidewalk, and as he took her hand again,(and she let him again) they walked on the grass. It was slightly wet and she realized he was letting her wipe her toes off. It had a cooling effect on her senses. Kell swung her hand a little.

He bought tickets for the bumper boats and as there was no line they were escorted to their own right away. As Maille was being instructed in the use of her steering mechanism, a steady stream of water began to pelt her as if someone were spitting at her. She looked up to find Kell squirting her with his water gun.

Maille found herself herded expertly toward the giant fire hydrant that sprayed water into the pool they were in. Twice her boat was caught under the spout, and twice she was soaked. Once she was able to get him partially in it, but he veered away at the last second and only got a little bit wet.

It was war, but not like any she'd ever encountered. A water fight with the victor so totally competent it made the conquered look like a guppy.

They got off the boats and dripped onto the sidewalk. Kell took her hand and led her to the snack bar where be ordered two cherry slush's and they took them to sit on the top of a picnic bench in the warm night air.

"Do you like cherry?" he asked her, practically the only thing he'd said to her since before he began systematically dousing her with his water gun.

"Um hmm." She nodded catching a stray drip on the side of the paper cup. "Do you?"

"It's my favorite."

"Wow! A breakthrough that!" she said. "Your favorite."

His keen eyes took in her perplexed expression and he opened his mouth in a perfect oh shape. "You want to know more about me, eh? Come,come, come... ask me questions."

"You'd tell me? It took you hours to tell me your name." She slurped her melting cherry stuff and then put the paper cup beside her on the table.

He sucked in his cheeks and closed his eyes dramatically. "Ask ask ask!"

Her mind went absolutely blank. Kell waited patiently and then took her hand again. He gently stroked her knuckles.

"Why do you let me hold your hand?"

Startled, Maille blinked and looked down at their laced fingers. His dark and hers so light. The first guy to hold her hand was a gay guy. "I don't know."

Kell drew in a sudden deep breath through his nose causing a sort of train whistle sound. He stared up at the clouds and the stars visible through them. Then he pursed his lips and let out his breath. "Because you are safe with me."

He got off the table tugging her by the hand as he did so and pulling her to the car. They got in and he turned on music as they drove down the highway.

He pulled to a stop suddenly in front of an all-night laundry mat with lights blazing and no one inside. "In in in!" he commanded and Maille pushed open the car door hesitantly. "What are we doing?" He was digging around in the trunk and came out with some clothes over his arm. She didn't think she'd ever stepped inside a coin-operated laundry mat.

"You must think your upper-class nose doesn't turn down at these amenities."

She had the grace to look sheepish, interpreting his remark correctly.

Kell produced clothes again, light blue Capri shorts with zippers and laces on the side pockets, and a white t-shirt. He also held up three pairs of white underwear, thong, bikini, and brief. Maille stared at him, reddening under his intent perusal. She grabbed the clothes and the bikini underwear and left him standing there as she went into the bathroom to change.

Alone for a minute, Maille tried to analyze what was happening tonight, but her frozen mind refused to really accept the facts. She was with a strange guy, away from her family or at least a member of it for the first time in her life. Her hair was still soaking wet and straggling around her face, there were no bodyguards in sight. She had worn immodest clothing to a public place, and held hands with a gay guy all night. Dinner, she didn't even want to think about, or how she had actually got to this moment in time either. Kell Stevak was running the show, and he seemed to know exactly how he wanted it run. She was simply along for the ride.

And the weirdest thing was that he made her the center of attention. Never had she been in the spotlight. She'd performed on stage to large audiences all her life, without once ever thinking that the spotlight was for her. She rarely even answered interview questions. It was Megan and Melia they all came to see, she was just the backup.

She put the clothes on and squeezed the water from her hair. Then she opened the bathroom door.

What did a gay guy want with her anyway? Or was it that she was safe? They were incognito. No one would look for him with a girl because he was gay, and no one would look for her with him, because she never went out, anywhere.

He was sitting on top of the folding table wearing light blue Capri shorts with zippers and laces, and a white T-shirt. It made him look extremely tan. He pushed off the table and took her wet clothes from her and put them in a front loader and turned it on. Then he pulled her to the table and climbed back upon it. He gripped her shoulders easily, pulled her between his legs and spun her so that she wasn't facing him. It took her a moment to realize he had a comb and was going to comb her tangled hair.


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