006: I'll Pay

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Maille was taken aback. Certainly she had money, but she hadn't thought to pay. He'd asked her out and he'd ordered, shouldn't he pay?

He hailed the waitress. "I fear we are without coin. My dear, perhaps you have a menial task my lady could perform while I run to my apartment and fetch the needed amount."

The waitress gave him a tight lipped, very skeptical look, and Maille, after her first astonished feeling of revelation and mortification, wanted to slide under the table.

"Really?" the waitress asked impatiently. "I'll have to get my supervisor."

Mr. Stevak sat back and laid an arm along the top of the booth. "She will be back with her supervisor." He assured Maille who shrugged his arm away unceremoniously.

"I'll pay." Maille hissed reaching for her purse, which she now realized she hadn't brought in with her. Visions of hostessing in the blue peacock dress while her swashbuckling friend washed dishes for several hours danced in her brain.

"Oh, no need. I am sure there is something we can do here." He calmly reiterated, trying to replace the offending arm around her shoulder.

"This is a joke, right? You know the manager?"

He gave her one questioning brow and then turned with a smile as the waitress brought the supervisor.

"What seems to be the problem here?"

"I left my wallet at my apartment. I would be happy to leave you this girl while I return to fetch it with the payment."

Three pairs of disdainful eyes glared at him, but Mr. Stevak paid them no mind. He grinned amiably, and then slid out of the seat. "Let her seat people, or... she could wash dishes." Maille's mouth dropped open.

"I don't believe this..." She knew her cheeks were hot. Her whole face felt hot.

"Ma'am. Do you have the means to pay?'' the supervisor asked her.

"I left my wallet at the studio." She gritted out, knowing how foolish it sounded. She'd have been better off saying she'd left it at the asylum.

"Really?'' the waitress sneered.

"No need to be caustic." Her companion announced. "As a hostess, my lady would easily bring in more male customers than you currently have available seats for. Give me a few minutes, and I will return with your money." Maille's face was flaming. Never in her life--- never in her wildest imagination ...

"This better be good." The supervisor said. "Do you have some other collateral? A credit card?"

"My car." He pursed his lips in a quirky smile. "But then how would I get my money? The bus?"

"Oh hurry up, but I will press charges on the young lady if you're not back here in one half hour. Miss, you'll have to come sit in the lobby so the table can be cleaned and prepared."

Maille watched the retreating back of her so called non-date, and felt a pang of utter uncontrolled anger wash over her. She picked up a spoon off the nearest table and chucked it at his head. It missed, and crashed harmlessly into the sign that pointed toward the restrooms, as the door opened and her non-date exited the establishment.


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