Quicksilver To Me

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063: Quicksilver to me

They traveled together in Kell 's silver sedan, talking of the day, the script, the production. He took them to a shady Mexican joint that he'd heard had good food. 

They chatted all the way up until they'd ordered and been brought their chimichangas.

Then Megan gave him a piercing look. "Okay. Spill it." 

Kell grinned. "I have two things to propose to you." he stated, steepling his fingers over his bent elbows, propping up his chin briefly, and then with a sigh, looked them directly in the eye.  ''No tact, no couth." 

"I said spill it, didn't I?"

"I want to be baptized into your church. I have studied your scriptures, watched your videos, memorized your hymn book and the History of the Church by B. H. Roberts, Volumes one through six. There are two more. I will be done soon. I want to have the missionary discussions and be baptized, and I want you to exercise your priesthood authority, Steve McQueen, and be the one to perform the ordinance."

Steve set down his fork, his eyes narrowed. Megan's mouth dropped open revealing slushy cheese and tortilla. Kell folded his hands and waited. Deep down, somewhere far inside, he knew he enjoyed their startled reactions. Most everything he did was for a reaction, it was how he got to know people. But this time he hadn't really intended to tell them this way. He had intended to be more sedate about it, respectful. Show them his truest feelings for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead, he had surprised even himself.

Neither of them said anything. They stared at him though with a mixture of disbelief warring with astonishment. It was plain neither of them had ever had anyone ask to be baptized in quite that manner.

"Did Maille share her ...." Steve began finally, his eyes still riveted on Kell's face.

"Maille, Maille, Maille..." he drew in a sharp breath. Of course, she would come up, but next to his newfound feelings for the Savior, Maille was taking on a most sacred nature in his mind. It would be hard, and revealing at this point to speak of Maille. "Yes." he said.

"And you 've read the Book of Mormon?" 

"Every word."

"He has a nearly photographic memory, Steve." Megan said softly. "He told me the other day when I was watching you all. You'd been cued ten times, remember? And Kell was so prepared. I asked him how he did it. And he told me..." Her eye remained speculative. The implications were obvious. If he could memorize the script in one sitting, and then work to perfect it, he could also memorize scripture.

Kell waited for Steve to digest this news too. He was nothing if not a patient man, never jumped into decisions, but his mind was so fast at discerning what the best course of action for him to take would be, he often came to conclusions just seconds after the situation proposed itself. In this case, he had been reading and studying since the day at Temple Square.

"And the second thing is that you want to serve a mission?" Steve finally quipped picking up his fork and stuffing a bite of rice in his mouth and chewing with determination.

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